.. _scripts: ================================ Scripts ================================ Standalone scripts to handle file conversions and other utlities. File Conversion =============== - **lmp2pos** .. code-block:: sh $ lmp2pos [DEFAULT OUTPUT] lmp_pos, POSCAR - **lmp2con** .. code-block:: sh $ lmp2con [DEFAULT OUTPUT] lmps_pos, pos.con - **soc2pos** .. code-block:: sh $ soc2pos [DEFAULT OUTPUT] crystal, POSCAR - **splitxdat** Splits XDATCAR files at given segments and outputs POSCAR.trj or multiple POSCARS .. code-block:: sh $ splitxdat --help - **water_solvate** Adds water molecules to outside of structure and saves structure in VASP format. .. code-block:: sh $ water-solvate --help - **mobfil** Inputs and outputs ``.con`` files with a cutoff distance Analysis Tools ============== - **pdf-make** Takes a ``POSCAR``, ``.con``, or ``XDATCAR`` with options and calculates the radial-distribution function with a spline fit. Outputs ``pdf.dat`` with raw data and ``interprdf.dat`` containing the spline fit. .. code-block:: sh $ pdf-make --help - **pdf-plot** Plots ``pdf.dat`` and ``interprdf.dat`` in gnuplot. Outputs ``pdf.eps`` .. code-block:: sh $ pdf-plot - **pdf-multiplot** Plots up to 20 ``interprdf-i.dat`` in gnuplot. Outputs ``pdf.eps`` .. code-block:: sh $ pdf-multiplot - **pdfstats** Calculates number of neighbors, min/max/avg bond distance, and variance with option. Writes to screen and to ``bonds/dat``. .. code-block:: sh $ pdfstats --help - **neighbors** Determines nearest neighbors for given file and write to screen. .. code-block:: sh $ neighbors File Visualization ================== - **xyz** Displays atomic configurations in formats: - .con - VASP (POSCAR and XDATCAR) - lammps (position and dump files) - xyz - bopfox - socorro .. code-block:: sh $ xyz