MODULE critpoint_mod USE kind_mod USE matrix_mod USE bader_mod ! USE linsolve_mod USE chgcar_mod USE charge_mod USE options_mod USE ions_mod USE io_mod USE ions_mod USE weight_mod USE dsyevj3_mod USE jacobi_mod IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: critpoint_find, StaticCheck TYPE static_cp_list CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: cp_type REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: pos_direct END TYPE TYPE cpc ! stands for critical point candidate INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: ind ! these are the indices of the cp REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: trueind,truer,grad,eigvals,r REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3,3) :: hessianMatrix,eigvecs !REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: tempcart, tempind REAL(q2) :: rho INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: connectedAtoms INTEGER :: negcount, weight LOGICAL :: hasProxy, isunique END TYPE REAL(q2) :: voxvol CONTAINS ! Counts the amount of negative modes in eigenvalues ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION CountNegModes(eigvals) REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: eigvals INTEGER :: CountNegModes,i CountNegModes = 0 DO i = 1,3 IF (eigvals(i) < 0) CountNegModes = CountNegModes + 1 END DO RETURN END FUNCTION !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------! !critpoint_find: find critical points on the edge of the Bader volumes !NOTE: this subroutine should be called after refine_edge ! in order to restrict the calculation to edge points !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------! SUBROUTINE GetCPCL(bdr,chg,cpl,cpcl,opts,cptnum) TYPE(bader_obj) :: bdr TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(options_obj) :: opts TYPE(cpc), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: cpl,cpcl,cpclt REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3,3) :: hessianMatrix REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: tem,trueR,grad INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: p INTEGER :: n1,n2,n3,cptnum,i OUTER: DO n1 = 1,chg%npts(1) DO n2 = 1,chg%npts(2) DO n3 = 1,chg%npts(3) ! check to see if this point is in the vacuum IF (bdr%volnum(n1,n2,n3) == bdr%bnum + 1) THEN CYCLE END IF ! We can only work with points that are on edge as defined by bader ! but that has been shown to be not reliable, as critical points are ! missed commonly. p = (/n1,n2,n3/) trueR = (/REAL(n1,q2),REAL(n2,q2),REAL(n3,q2)/) tem = CalcTEMGrid(p,chg,grad,hessianMatrix) !IF ( (ABS(tem(1)) <= 1.5 + opts%par_tem .AND. & ! ABS(tem(2)) <= 1.5 + opts%par_tem .AND. & ! ABS(tem(3)) <= 1.5 + opts%par_tem )) THEN IF (ALL(tem <= 1.5 + opts%par_tem )) THEN ! ABS(tem(3)) <= 0.5 + opts%par_tem) .OR. & !(SUM(grad*grad) <= (0.1*opts%par_gradfloor)**2 )) THEN ! finding proximity could potentially be costly IF (ProxyToCPCandidate(p,opts,cpcl,cptnum,chg)) THEN CYCLE END IF cptnum = cptnum + 1 ! Check if the candidate list needs to be expanded. IF (cptnum < SIZE(cpcl) - 1 ) THEN cpcl(cptnum)%ind = (/n1,n2,n3/) cpcl(cptnum)%grad = grad cpcl(cptnum)%hasProxy = .FALSE. cpcl(cptnum)%r = tem ELSE IF (cptnum > 100000) THEN PRINT *, "ERROR: Too many searches required. Aborting." EXIT OUTER END IF PRINT *, 'expanding cpcl size' ALLOCATE(cpclt(cptnum + 1)) DO i = 1, cptnum - 1 cpclt(i) = cpcl(i) END DO DEALLOCATE(cpcl) ALLOCATE(cpcl(cptnum*2)) DO i = 1, cptnum - 1 cpcl(i)=cpclt(i) END DO DEALLOCATE(cpclt) ALLOCATE(cpclt(cptnum + 1)) DO i = 1, cptnum - 1 cpclt(i) = cpl(i) END DO DEALLOCATE(cpl) ALLOCATE(cpl(cptnum*2)) DO i = 1, cptnum - 1 cpl(i)=cpclt(i) END DO DEALLOCATE(cpclt) cpcl(cptnum)%ind = (/n1,n2,n3/) cpcl(cptnum)%grad = grad cpcl(cptnum)%hasProxy = .FALSE. cpcl(cptnum)%r = tem END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO OUTER END SUBROUTINE GetCPCL SUBROUTINE SearchWithCPCL(bdr,chg,cpcl,cpl,cptnum,ucptnum,ucpCounts,opts) TYPE(bader_obj) :: bdr TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(cpc), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: cpcl,cpl TYPE(options_obj) :: opts REAL(q2), DIMENSION(8,3,3) :: nnHes REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3,3) :: interpolHessian REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: temcap,temscale,trueR,distance REAL(q2) :: temnormcap INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: connectedAtoms INTEGER :: i,cptnum,ucptnum DO i = 1, cptnum cpcl(i)%isunique = .FALSE. temcap = (/1.,1.,1./) temscale = (/1.,1.,1./) temnormcap = 1. IF (opts%gradMode) THEN !uses GradientDescend instead of NRTFGP CALL GradientDescend(bdr,chg,opts,trueR,cpcl(i)%ind,& cpcl(i)%isUnique,3000) ELSE ! Begins newton raphson validation process CALL NRTFGP(bdr,chg,opts,trueR,& cpcl(i)%isUnique,cpcl(i)%r,cpcl(i)%ind,& 1000) END IF IF (cpcl(i)%isUnique ) THEN !CALL MakeCPRoster(cpRoster,i,truer) !not sure what this does cpcl(i)%trueind = trueR interpolHessian = trilinear_interpol_hes(nnHes,distance) ucptnum = ucptnum + 1 interpolHessian = CDHessianR(truer,chg) CALL RecordCPR(truer,chg,cpl,ucptnum,connectedAtoms, ucpCounts, & opts, interpolHessian, & cpcl(i)%ind) CYCLE ELSE CYCLE END IF CALL pbc_r_lat(trueR,chg%npts) ! moving on to the next critical pint candidate END DO END SUBROUTINE SearchWithCPCL ! This subroutine reads in a list of CPs and their types, runs it through ReduceCP and PHRuleExam SUBROUTINE StaticCheck(bdr,chg,opts,ions) TYPE(bader_obj) :: bdr TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cp_static TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions TYPE(options_obj) :: opts INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: atom_connectivity INTEGER,DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts INTEGER :: n, ucptnum, ij, it_num, rot_num LOGICAL :: phmrCompliant, isReduced isReduced = .FALSE. ALLOCATE(cp_static(ReadStaticSize())) !ALLOCATE(atom_connectivity(ions%nions,ions%nions)) !atom_connectivity = 0 CALL StaticCheckReadStatic(cp_static,chg) DO n = 1, SIZE(cp_static) cp_static(n)%truer(1) = cp_static(n)%truer(1) * chg%npts(1) + 1 cp_static(n)%truer(2) = cp_static(n)%truer(2) * chg%npts(1) + 1 cp_static(n)%truer(3) = cp_static(n)%truer(3) * chg%npts(1) + 1 END DO ucptnum = SIZE(cp_static) ucpCounts = 0 DO WHILE(.NOT. isReduced) CALL ReduceCPStatic(cp_static, ucptnum, ucpCounts, isReduced, opts) END DO PRINT *, "the cp set after reduction is " PRINT *, "cp number | signature | positions " DO n = 1, ucptnum PRINT *, n, (3 - cp_static(n)%negCount) - cp_static(n)%negCount , cp_static(n)%truer END DO PRINT *, "nuclear | bond | ring | cage cp numbers are" PRINT *, ucpCounts DO ij = 1,ucptnum !Saves pairs of connected atoms in connectedAtoms cp_static(ij)%hessianMatrix = CDHessianR(cp_static(ij)%trueR,chg) CALL jacobi_eigenvalue(3,cp_static(ij)%hessianMatrix,9999,& cp_static(ij)%eigvecs, cp_static(ij)%eigvals,& it_num, rot_num ) IF (cp_static(ij)%negcount == 2) THEN cp_static(ij)%connectedAtoms = DoubleAscension(bdr,cp_static(ij),chg,ions,opts,1,cp_static,ucptnum) !atom_connectivity(cp_static(ij)%connectedAtoms(1),cp_static(ij)%connectedAtoms(2))=1 !atom_connectivity(cp_static(ij)%connectedAtoms(2),cp_static(ij)%connectedAtoms(1))=1 ELSEIF (cp_static(ij)%negcount == 1) THEN cp_static(ij)%connectedAtoms = DoubleAscension(bdr,cp_static(ij),chg,ions,opts,-1,cp_static,ucptnum) END IF END DO CALL PHRuleExam(ucpCounts,opts,ions,phmrCompliant) IF (phmrCompliant .AND. .NOT. CheckIsolatedAtom(cp_static,ucptnum)) THEN PRINT *, 'The CPs are self-consistent but isolated atoms are detected. & Declaring this a false positive.' END IF IF (phmrCompliant .AND. .NOT. CheckIsolatedRing(cp_static,ucptnum)) THEN PRINT *, "A disconnected ring CP is found. Declaring this a false positive." END IF IF (phmrCompliant .AND. .NOT. CheckIsolatedCage(cp_static,ucptnum)) THEN PRINT *, "A disconnected cage CP is found. Declaring this a false positive." END IF DEALLOCATE(cp_static) !DEALLOCATE(atom_connectivity) END SUBROUTINE StaticCheck SUBROUTINE critpoint_find(bdr,chg,opts,ions,stat) ! These are for screening CP due to numerical error. !TYPE(hessian) :: hes TYPE(bader_obj), INTENT(INOUT) :: bdr TYPE(charge_obj), INTENT(INOUT) :: chg TYPE(options_obj), INTENT(INOUT) :: opts TYPE(ions_obj), INTENT(INOUT) :: ions TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cpcl, cpl, cpclt TYPE(static_cp_list), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: cps_read ! The above three are CP candidate list, CP list and CP list temp ! copy ! for points, 1 and 2 are +1, -1 REAL(q2), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: cpRoster, fullcpRoster, reducedcpRoster, & static_search REAL(q2), DIMENSION(8,3,3) :: nnhes !hessian of 8 nn REAL(q2), DIMENSION(10,3) :: rList,temList REAL(q2), DIMENSION(8,3) :: nngrad REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3,3) :: hessianMatrix, eigvecs, interpolHessian, & ggrid REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: tem, eigvals, truer, grad, prevgrad, temprealr, & distance, & ! vector to 000 in trilinear finR, nexttem, previoustem, averager, temcap, temscale REAL(q2) :: temnormcap INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: descendPoints, ringPoints, nnind, & atom_connectivity, nucleiInd, ring_connectivity INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: RingList INTEGER, DIMENSION(20,3) :: iniIList INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: cpCounts,ucpCounts ! the 4 elements are ! nuclear, bond, ring, cage CP coutns INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: p, tempr INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: connectedAtoms INTEGER :: n1, n2, n3, cptnum, ucptnum, i, j, k, debugnum,ij, & setcount, stat, axisnum,& avgMode, stepcount, nnlayers, averagecount CHARACTER(128) :: smoothenedCHGCAR LOGICAL :: HCF, LDM, LDM_DetectCircling, LDM_ReduceCP, LDM_DensityDescend,LDM_RecordCPRLight, & LDM_NRTFGP,LDM_CalcTEMLat,LDM_RecordCPR, LDM_GradMagGrad, LDM_RingAscend, LDM_Trajectories, & isUniqueTest, isReduced, phmrCompliant, isReducible IF (opts%static_check) THEN CALL StaticCheck(bdr,chg,opts,ions) ELSE !CALL PrintFlavorText() ! below are variables for least sqaures gradient stat = 0 ! 0 means nothing !WRITE(*,'(A)') 'FINDING CRITICAL POINTS' CALL get_voxvol(chg,ions) IF (opts%enableCHGCARSmoothening) THEN ! First produce a smoothened CHGCAR CALL SmoothenCHGCAR(chg,avgMode,ions,opts) ! This will override chg object smoothenedCHGCAR = "smoothenedCHGCAR_sum" ! Deallocating objects allocated in read_charge_chgcar DEALLOCATE (ions%num_ion,ions%r_dir,ions%r_car,chg%rho,ions%r_lat) CALL read_charge_chgcar(ions,chg,smoothenedCHGCAR,opts) END IF HCF = .FALSE. LDM = .FALSE. IF (opts%debugMode) THEN !PRINT *, "Performing core functions check" !CALL CoreFunctionsCheck(chg) PRINT *, "Reading debug flags from debugConfig" CALL GetDebugFlags(opts,LDM,LDM_DetectCircling,& LDM_ReduceCP,LDM_DensityDescend,LDM_RecordCPRLight,& LDM_NRTFGP,LDM_CalcTEMLat,LDM_RecordCPR,LDM_GradMagGrad,LDM_RingAscend,LDM_Trajectories) ELSE LDM_DetectCircling = .FALSE. LDM_ReduceCP = .FALSE. LDM_DensityDescend = .FALSE. LDM_RecordCPRLight = .FALSE. LDM_NRTFGP = .FALSE. LDM_CalcTEMLat = .FALSE. LDM_RecordCPR = .FALSE. LDM_GradMagGrad = .FALSE. LDM_RingAscend = .FALSE. LDM_Trajectories = .FALSE. END IF ! get expected nucleus indices ! WRITE (97,*) , 'expecting nuclei at:' ALLOCATE(nnInd(8,3)) ! ALLOCATE(nnInd((nnlayers*2+1)**3,3)) ALLOCATE(nucleiInd(ions%nions,3)) DO n1 = 1, ions%nions nucleiInd(n1,1) = NINT(ions%r_lat(n1,1)) nucleiInd(n1,2) = NINT(ions%r_lat(n1,2)) nucleiInd(n1,3) = NINT(ions%r_lat(n1,3)) ! WRITE (97,*) nucleiInd(d1,:) END DO setcount = 0 cpCounts = 0 ucpCounts = 0 ucptnum = 0 cptnum = 0 debugnum = 0 nnlayers = findnnlayers(ions) nnind = findnn(truer,nnlayers,chg,ions) PRINT *, '******************************************************' ALLOCATE (cpl(10000)) ! start with 10000 capacity ALLOCATE (cpcl(10000)) IF (opts%static_search) THEN ALLOCATE(cps_read(ReadStaticSize())) CALL ReadStatic(cps_read) DO i = 1, SIZE(cps_read) cpcl(i)%ind=INT(cps_read(i)%pos_direct(:)*chg%npts(:))+(/1,1,1/) PRINT *, "Starting search at assigned index: " PRINT *, cpcl(i)%ind CALL NRTFGP(bdr,chg,opts,trueR,cpcl(i)%isUnique,cpcl(i)%r,cpcl(i)%ind,& 1000) PRINT *, "Search trajectory ended at " PRINT *, trueR cpcl(i)%trueind = trueR interpolHessian = trilinear_interpol_hes(nnHes,distance) interpolHessian = CDHessianR(truer,chg) ucptnum = ucptnum + 1 CALL RecordCPR(trueR,chg,cpl,ucptnum,connectedAtoms, ucpCounts, & opts, interpolHessian, & cpcl(i)%ind) PRINT *, "cpl ucptnum trueR is ", cpl(ucptnum)%trueR(:) cpl(ucptnum)%isUnique = .TRUE. PRINT *, "cpl ucptnum negcount is ", cpl(ucptnum)%negCount END DO CALL VisAllCP(cpl,ucptnum,chg,ions,opts,ucpCounts) PRINT *, "called visallcp" STOP END IF ! Maxima should always be found first with gradient ascension !gradient descent unit test with arbitrary initial point !iniI and finR were defined in the main critpoint_fnd method for lack of a better place to define them. IF (LDM_GradMagGrad) THEN iniIList(6,:) = (/47,47,52/) axisnum = 3 DO ij=1,11 IF (axisnum == 1) THEN iniIList(ij,:) = (/iniIList(6,1)+ij-6,iniIList(6,2), iniIList(6,3)/) ELSE IF (axisnum == 2) THEN iniIList(ij,:) = (/iniIList(6,1),iniIList(6,2)+ij-6, iniIList(6,3)/) ELSE iniIList(ij,:) = (/iniIList(6,1),iniIList(6,2), iniIList(6,3)+ij-6/) END IF END DO iniIList(12,:) = (/43, 44, 49/) iniIList(13,:) = (/43, 45, 49/) DO ij=1,13 ! PRINT *, "Segfault check loop",ij isUniqueTest = .TRUE. CALL GradientDescend(bdr,chg,opts,finR,iniIList(ij,:), isUniqueTest ,3000) PRINT *, finR PRINT *, " " END DO END IF IF (LDM) PRINT *, 'Finding maxima near atoms' DO n1 = 1, ions%nions tempr = NINT(ions%r_dir(n1,:) * chg%npts) temprealr = ascension(tempr,chg, & ggrid,opts,ions) ucptnum = ucptnum + 1 cpl(ucptnum)%trueind = temprealr ! these points are to stay in the list so cpl is used instead of cpcl p = (/NINT(cpl(ucptnum)%trueind(1)),NINT(cpl(ucptnum)%trueind(2)), & NINT(cpl(ucptnum)%trueind(3))/) hessianMatrix = CDHessian(p,chg) CALL RecordCPR(temprealr,chg,cpl,ucptnum,connectedAtoms, ucpCounts, & opts,hessianMatrix, p) IF (LDM) THEN PRINT *, "recording CP to cpl, this is number ", ucptnum PRINT *, "location is " PRINT *, temprealr END IF END DO ! ascension results may not give the best hessian. so the types are set ! manually. IF (ucpCounts(1) /= ucptnum) THEN !PRINT *, "ucpCounts(1) and ucptnum are ", ucpCounts(1), ucptnum PRINT *, 'WARNING: It was detected that the number of maxima found & does not equal to trials started. The found critical points are & being manually set as nuclear critical points' DO n1 = 1, ucptnum cpl(n1)%negcount = 3 END DO ucpCounts(1) = ucptnum END IF IF (opts%static_search) THEN ALLOCATE(cps_read(ReadStaticSize())) CALL ReadStatic(cps_read) DO i = 1, SIZE(cps_read) cpcl(i)%ind=INT(cps_read(i)%pos_direct(:)*chg%npts(:))+(/1,1,1/) PRINT *, "Starting search at assigned index: " PRINT *, cpcl(i)%ind CALL NRTFGP(bdr,chg,opts,trueR,cpcl(i)%isUnique,cpcl(i)%r,cpcl(i)%ind,& 1000) PRINT *, "Search trajectory ended at " PRINT *, trueR cpcl(i)%trueind = trueR interpolHessian = trilinear_interpol_hes(nnHes,distance) interpolHessian = CDHessianR(truer,chg) ucptnum = ucptnum + 1 CALL RecordCPR(trueR,chg,cpl,ucptnum,connectedAtoms, ucpCounts, & opts, interpolHessian, & cpcl(i)%ind) PRINT *, "cpl ucptnum trueR is ", cpl(ucptnum)%trueR(:) cpl(ucptnum)%isUnique = .TRUE. PRINT *, "cpl ucptnum negcount is ", cpl(ucptnum)%negCount END DO CALL VisAllCP(cpl,ucptnum,chg,ions,opts,ucpCounts) STOP ELSE ! Loop through every grid point once and collect a list of points to start ! CP searching trajectories into cpcl, the CP candidate list. CALL GetCPCL(bdr,chg,cpl,cpcl,opts,cptnum) IF (cptnum > 100000) THEN stat = 0 ELSE PRINT *, "Number of Newton Rhapson trajectory needed: ", cptnum !!** ***************************************************************** ! To find critical points (unique), start with a cell that contains a ! critical point and its hessian and force. Use Newton's method to make a ! move. Interpolate the force inside the voxel. ! Once moved, get the new force through trilinear interpolation, and ! get the new hessian which will be a matrix of constants, make moves until ! r is zero. get the coordinates of the new true critical point. If this ! point is within half lattice to another, do not record this new point. ALLOCATE(cpRoster(cptnum,3)) IF (LDM_Trajectories) ALLOCATE(fullcpRoster(cptnum,3)) CALL SearchWithCPCL(bdr,chg,cpcl,cpl,cptnum,ucptnum,ucpCounts,opts) PRINT *, 'Number of critical point count: ', ucptnum PRINT *, 'Number of nuclear, bond, ring and cage critical point & counts : ', ucpCounts(:) ! remove duplicate CPs isReduced = .FALSE. isReducible = .TRUE. DO WHILE ( .NOT. isReduced .AND. isReducible) CALL ReduceCP(cpl,opts,ucptnum,chg,ucpCounts, & isReduced,LDM_RecordCPRLight,LDM_ReduceCP, isReducible) END DO ! After CP numbers are reduced, do density descend and reduce another ! round afterwards IF (opts%enableDensityDescend .AND. isReducible) THEN ! First find the midpoint of all rings, and their mirror iMages across ! the closest pbc (to be implemented). ALLOCATE(descendPoints(ucpCounts(3)*(ucpCounts(3) - 1 ),3)) ALLOCATE(ringPoints(ucpCounts(3),3)) CALL ResizeCPL(cpl,SIZE(cpl) + ucpCounts(3)*(ucpCounts(3) - 1)) j = 1 DO i = 1, ucptnum IF (cpl(i)%negCount == 1 ) THEN ringPoints(j,:) = cpl(i)%truer j = j + 1 END IF END DO k = 1 DO i = 1, ucpCounts(3) DO j = i+1, ucpCounts(3) descendPoints(k,1) = INT((ringPoints(i,1) + ringPoints(j,1))/2) descendPoints(k,2) = INT((ringPoints(i,2) + ringPoints(j,2))/2) descendPoints(k,3) = INT((ringPoints(i,3) + ringPoints(j,3))/2) k = k + 1 END DO END DO DO i = 1, ( ucpCounts(3) * ( ucpCounts(3) - 1) ) / 2 CALL DensityDescendAndRecord(chg,bdr,opts,descendPoints(i,:),cpl,& ucptnum, ucpCounts, .FALSE.) END DO DEALLOCATE(descendPoints) DEALLOCATE(ringPoints) isReduced = .FALSE. isReducible = .TRUE. DO WHILE ( .NOT. isReduced .AND. isReducible) CALL ReduceCP(cpl,opts,ucptnum,chg,ucpCounts, & isReduced,LDM_RecordCPRLight, & LDM_ReduceCP,isReducible) END DO END IF ! This following debug line need to be togged on or off manually ! before compilling !ip = (/-0.554,1.953,1.985/) !CALL CPTracer(iP,chg,cpl,ucptnum) PRINT *, 'After a round of reduction' PRINT *, 'Number of atoms: ', ions%nions PRINT *, 'Number of critical point count: ', ucptnum PRINT *, 'Number of nuclear, bond, ring and cage critical point & counts : ', ucpCounts(:) CALL PHRuleExam(ucpCounts,opts,ions,phmrCompliant) CALL OutPutParameters(opts) IF (phmrCompliant) THEN stat = 1 ELSE stat = 0 END IF ! stat = 1 !Runs DoubleAscension and RingAscension on all detected critical points !ALLOCATE(atom_connectivity(ucptnum,ucptnum)) !atom_connectivity = 0 DO ij = 1,ucptnum !Saves pairs of connected atoms in connectedAtoms IF (cpl(ij)%negcount == 2) THEN cpl(ij)%connectedAtoms = DoubleAscension(bdr,cpl(ij),chg,ions,opts,1,cpl,ucptnum) !atom_connectivity(cpl(ij)%connectedAtoms(1),cpl(ij)%connectedAtoms(2))=1 !atom_connectivity(cpl(ij)%connectedAtoms(2),cpl(ij)%connectedAtoms(1))=1 ELSEIF (cpl(ij)%negcount == 1) THEN cpl(ij)%connectedAtoms = DoubleAscension(bdr,cpl(ij),chg,ions,opts,-1,cpl,ucptnum) END IF IF (LDM_RingAscend) THEN !Prints Rings CALL RingAscension(cpl(ij),chg,ions,RingList) END IF END DO ! output the cp to files CALL OutputCP(cpl,opts,ucptnum,chg,setcount, ucpCounts) !Output the found list of connectivity pairs to file CALL OutputNetwork(cpl,ucptnum,setcount) IF (stat == 1) THEN IF ( .NOT. CheckIsolatedAtom(cpl,ucptnum)) THEN PRINT *, 'The CPs are self-consistent but isolated atoms are detected.' stat = 0 END IF IF (.NOT. CheckIsolatedRing(cpl,ucptnum) .AND. ucpCounts(3) >= 1 ) THEN PRINT *, "A disconnected ring CP is found." stat = 0 END IF IF (.NOT. CheckIsolatedCage(cpl,ucptnum) .AND. ucpCounts(4) >= 1) THEN PRINT *, "A disconnected cage CP is found." stat = 0 END IF IF (stat == 0) THEN PRINT *, 'Declaring this a false positive.' END IF END IF IF (LDM_Trajectories) THEN !Performs statistical analysis (standard deviation) on the CP Roster CALL CPRosterAnalysis(cpl,ions,fullcpRoster,chg) !unique_realcoords removes NaN/0 valued blank CPs, condenses the list to only the relevant ones inside reducedcpRoster CALL unique_realcoords(cpRoster,reducedcpRoster) !Output the CP Roster to file CALL OutputCPRoster(fullcpRoster,setcount) DEALLOCATE(fullcpRoster) DEALLOCATE(reducedcpRoster) END IF DEALLOCATE(cpRoster) END IF END IF IF (cptnum > 100000) THEN PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[31m ERROR: FAILED Poincare Hopf Rule & and Morse Relationship' //achar(27)//'[0m' ELSE PRINT *, 'outputting debugging information to allcpPOSCAR' CALL VisAllCP(cpl,ucptnum,chg,ions,opts,ucpCounts) END IF DEALLOCATE(cpl) DEALLOCATE(cpcl) END IF PRINT *, "end of critpoint_find" END SUBROUTINE critpoint_find ! this function determins when looking for nn, how many layers to search ! within. It looks for the smallest vector sum of lattice vectors, and the ! largest vector ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION findnnlayers(ions) INTEGER :: findnnlayers TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions REAL(q2), DIMENSION(4,3) :: latsums!lat12, lat13, lat23, lat123 REAL(q2) :: latMag, minMag, maxMag INTEGER :: i latsums(1,:) = ions%lattice(1,:) + ions%lattice(2,:) latsums(2,:) = ions%lattice(1,:) + ions%lattice(3,:) latsums(3,:) = ions%lattice(2,:) + ions%lattice(3,:) latsums(4,:) = ions%lattice(1,:) + ions%lattice(2,:) + ions%lattice(3,:) minMag = Mag(latsums(1,:)) maxMag = Mag(latsums(1,:)) DO i = 2, 4 latMag = Mag(latsums(i,:)) IF (latMag >= maxMag) THEN maxMag = latMag END IF IF (latMag <= minMag) THEN minMag = latMag END IF END DO DO i = 1, 3 latMag = Mag(ions%lattice(i,:)) IF (latMag >= maxMag) THEN maxMag = latMag END IF IF (latMag <= minMag) THEN minMag = latMag END IF END DO findnnlayers = CEILING(maxMag/minMag) END FUNCTION findnnlayers ! This function gives the simple box for trilinear interpolation. ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION SimpleNN(p,chg) REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: p TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg INTEGER, DIMENSION(8,3) :: SimpleNN SimpleNN(1,:) = (/FLOOR(p(1)),FLOOR(p(2)),FLOOR(p(3))/) SimpleNN(2,:) = (/CEILING(p(1)),FLOOR(p(2)),FLOOR(p(3))/) SimpleNN(3,:) = (/FLOOR(p(1)),CEILING(p(2)),FLOOR(p(3))/) SimpleNN(4,:) = (/CEILING(p(1)),CEILING(p(2)),FLOOR(p(3))/) SimpleNN(5,:) = (/floor(p(1)),FLOOR(p(2)),CEILING(p(3))/) SimpleNN(6,:) = (/ceiling(p(1)),FLOOR(p(2)),CEILING(p(3))/) SimpleNN(7,:) = (/floor(p(1)),CEILING(p(2)),CEILING(p(3))/) SimpleNN(8,:) = (/ceiling(p(1)),CEILING(p(2)),CEILING(p(3))/) ! DO i = 1, 8 ! CALL pbc(SimpleNN(i,:),chg%npts) ! END DO END FUNCTION ! find neares on grid points for a interpolated point ! to do trilinear interpolation ! p is the off grid point we want FUNCTION FindNN(truer,nnlayers,chg,ions) ! THIS FUNCTION IS NOT STABLE INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: nnind !grid points TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions TYPE(weight_obj), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: nndist ! instead of storing weight, this is used to ! store distances so that they can be sorted INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: FindNN REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: pcart REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: truer,truecart INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: baseind INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: rank INTEGER :: i,j,k,counter, nnlayers ! since only closest neigherbos of current grid point ! will be used for interpolation counter = 0 nnlayers = FindNNLayers(ions) ALLOCATE(nndist((nnlayers*2 + 1)**3 )) ALLOCATE(nnind((nnlayers*2 + 1)**3 ,3)) ALLOCATE(rank((nnlayers*2 + 1)**3 )) ALLOCATE(FindNN((nnlayers*2+1)**3,3)) !to calculate distance it is not necessary to run pbc !infact pbc should be avoided at this stage baseind = (/FLOOR(truer(1)),FLOOR(truer(2)),FLOOR(truer(3))/) truecart = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,truer) DO i = -nnlayers, nnlayers DO j = -nnlayers, nnlayers DO k = -nnlayers, nnlayers !IF (i == 0 .AND. j == 0 .AND. k == 0) THEN ! CYCLE !END IF counter = counter + 1 nnind(counter,:) = (/i,j,k/) + baseind pcart = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,nnind(counter,:)) nndist(counter)%rho = Mag(truecart - pcart) nndist(counter)%pos(:) = (/i,j,k/) + baseind ! remember, rho here is really the distance FindNN(counter,:) = (/i,j,k/) + baseind END DO END DO END DO DEALLOCATE(nnind) DEALLOCATE(nndist) RETURN END FUNCTION FindNN ! This function should take in a list of nearest neighbors predetermined. FUNCTION nn_grad(chg,r,rho,nn) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3),INTENT(IN) :: r REAL(q2),INTENT(OUT) :: rho REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: nn_grad INTEGER :: p1, p2, p3 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: rho_grad_lat REAL(q2) :: f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3 REAL(q2) :: rho000, rho001, rho010, rho100, rho011, rho101, rho110, rho111 REAL(q2) :: rho00_, rho01_, rho10_, rho11_ REAL(q2) :: rho0__, rho1__, rho_0_, rho_1_, rho__0, rho__1 REAL(q2) :: rho_00, rho_01, rho_10, rho_11 INTEGER,DIMENSION(8,3) :: nn p1 = FLOOR(r(1)) p2 = FLOOR(r(2)) p3 = FLOOR(r(3)) f1 = r(1) - REAL(p1,q2) f2 = r(2) - REAL(p2,q2) f3 = r(3) - REAL(p3,q2) g1 = 1._q2-f1 g2 = 1._q2-f2 g3 = 1._q2-f3 rho000 = rho_val(chg,nn(1,1),nn(1,2),nn(1,3)) rho001 = rho_val(chg,nn(2,1),nn(2,2),nn(2,3)) rho010 = rho_val(chg,nn(3,1),nn(3,2),nn(3,3)) rho100 = rho_val(chg,nn(4,1),nn(4,2),nn(4,3)) rho011 = rho_val(chg,nn(5,1),nn(5,2),nn(5,3)) rho101 = rho_val(chg,nn(6,1),nn(6,2),nn(6,3)) rho110 = rho_val(chg,nn(7,1),nn(7,2),nn(7,3)) rho111 = rho_val(chg,nn(8,1),nn(8,2),nn(8,3)) rho00_ = rho000*g3 + rho001*f3 rho01_ = rho010*g3 + rho011*f3 rho10_ = rho100*g3 + rho101*f3 rho11_ = rho110*g3 + rho111*f3 rho0__ = rho00_*g2 + rho01_*f2 rho1__ = rho10_*g2 + rho11_*f2 rho = rho0__*g1 + rho1__*f1 ! More work for gradients rho_0_ = rho00_*g1 + rho10_*f1 rho_1_ = rho01_*g1 + rho11_*f1 rho_00 = rho000*g1 + rho100*f1 rho_01 = rho001*g1 + rho101*f1 rho_10 = rho010*g1 + rho110*f1 rho_11 = rho011*g1 + rho111*f1 rho__0 = rho_00*g2 + rho_10*f2 rho__1 = rho_01*g2 + rho_11*f2 rho_grad_lat(1) = rho1__ - rho0__ rho_grad_lat(2) = rho_1_ - rho_0_ rho_grad_lat(3) = rho__1 - rho__0 ! CALL vector_matrix(rho_grad_lat, chg%car2lat, rho_grad) nn_grad = MATMUL(chg%car2lat,rho_grad_lat) RETURN END FUNCTION nn_grad ! this funciton takes in 8 values, return a ! trilinear interpolated gradient of the values. ! the 8 value list value order is ! 000 001 010 100 011 101 110 111 ! Note 02042019: the above order is what I wrote previously ! Note 02042019: I believe the actuall order is the following ! 000 100 010 110 001 101 011 111 ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ! r is the indice of the predicted critical point ! The interpolation result is checked to be OK by mathematica ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION trilinear_interpol_grad(vals,r) ! varls come nngrad ! could r be the problem? ! r needs to be a vector where each component ! number is between 0 and 1 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3),INTENT(IN) :: r REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: trilinear_interpol_grad INTEGER :: p1, p2, p3 REAL(q2) :: f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8,3) :: vals !REAL(q2) :: rho000, rho001, rho010, rho100, rho011, rho101, rho110, rho111 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: val00_, val01_, val10_, val11_ REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: val0__, val1__ p1 = FLOOR(r(1)) p2 = FLOOR(r(2)) p3 = FLOOR(r(3)) f1 = r(1) - REAL(p1,q2) f2 = r(2) - REAL(p2,q2) f3 = r(3) - REAL(p3,q2) ! f1 f2 f3 are checked to be correct. ! they should equal to tem for the first step g1 = 1._q2-f1 g2 = 1._q2-f2 g3 = 1._q2-f3 val00_ = vals(1,:)*g3 + vals(5,:)*f3 val01_ = vals(3,:)*g3 + vals(7,:)*f3 val10_ = vals(2,:)*g3 + vals(6,:)*f3 val11_ = vals(4,:)*g3 + vals(8,:)*f3 val0__ = val00_*g2 + val01_*f2 val1__ = val10_*g2 + val11_*f2 trilinear_interpol_grad = val0__*g1 + val1__*f1 RETURN END FUNCTION trilinear_interpol_grad FUNCTION trilinear_interpol_rho(chg,r) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3),INTENT(IN) :: r REAL(q2) :: trilinear_interpol_rho INTEGER :: p1, p2, p3 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: tempp REAL(q2) :: f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8) :: vals !REAL(q2) :: rho000, rho001, rho010, rho100, rho011, rho101, rho110, rho111 REAL(q2) :: val01_, val10_, val11_ REAL(q2) :: val0__, val1__ REAL(q2) :: val00_ p1 = FLOOR(r(1)) p2 = FLOOR(r(2)) p3 = FLOOR(r(3)) tempp = (/p1,p2,p3/) CALL pbc(tempp,chg%npts) vals(1) = rho_val(chg,tempp(1),tempp(2),tempp(3)) tempp = (/p1+1,p2,p3/) CALL pbc(tempp,chg%npts) vals(2) = rho_val(chg,tempp(1),tempp(2),tempp(3)) tempp = (/p1,p2+1,p3/) CALL pbc(tempp,chg%npts) vals(3) = rho_val(chg,tempp(1),tempp(2),tempp(3)) tempp = (/p1+1,p2+1,p3/) CALL pbc(tempp,chg%npts) vals(4) = rho_val(chg,tempp(1),tempp(2),tempp(3)) tempp = (/p1,p2,p3+1/) CALL pbc(tempp,chg%npts) vals(5) = rho_val(chg,tempp(1),tempp(2),tempp(3)) tempp = (/p1+1,p2,p3+1/) CALL pbc(tempp,chg%npts) vals(6) = rho_val(chg,tempp(1),tempp(2),tempp(3)) tempp = (/p1,p2+1,p3+1/) CALL pbc(tempp,chg%npts) vals(7) = rho_val(chg,tempp(1),tempp(2),tempp(3)) tempp = (/p1+1,p2+1,p3+1/) CALL pbc(tempp,chg%npts) vals(8) = rho_val(chg,tempp(1),tempp(2),tempp(3)) f1 = r(1) - REAL(p1,q2) f2 = r(2) - REAL(p2,q2) f3 = r(3) - REAL(p3,q2) ! f1 f2 f3 are checked to be correct. ! they should equal to tem for the first step g1 = 1._q2-f1 g2 = 1._q2-f2 g3 = 1._q2-f3 val00_ = vals(1)*g3 + vals(5)*f3 val01_ = vals(3)*g3 + vals(7)*f3 val10_ = vals(2)*g3 + vals(6)*f3 val11_ = vals(4)*g3 + vals(8)*f3 val0__ = val00_*g2 + val01_*f2 val1__ = val10_*g2 + val11_*f2 trilinear_interpol_rho = val0__*g1 + val1__*f1 RETURN END FUNCTION ! This function outputs hessian in direct coordinates ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION trilinear_interpol_hes(vals,r) ! varls come nnhes ! r needs to be a vector where each component ! number is between 0 and 1 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3),INTENT(IN) :: r REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: trilinear_interpol_hes INTEGER :: p1, p2, p3 REAL(q2) :: f1, f2, f3, g1, g2, g3 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8,3,3) :: vals !REAL(q2) :: rho000, rho001, rho010, rho100, rho011, rho101, rho110, !rho111 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: val00_, val01_, val10_, val11_ REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: val0__, val1__ p1 = FLOOR(r(1)) p2 = FLOOR(r(2)) p3 = FLOOR(r(3)) f1 = r(1) - REAL(p1,q2) f2 = r(2) - REAL(p2,q2) f3 = r(3) - REAL(p3,q2) ! f1 f2 f3 are checked to be correct. ! they should equal to tem for the first step g1 = 1._q2-f1 g2 = 1._q2-f2 g3 = 1._q2-f3 val00_(1,:) = vals(1,1,:)*g3 + vals(5,1,:)*f3 val00_(2,:) = vals(1,2,:)*g3 + vals(5,2,:)*f3 val00_(3,:) = vals(1,3,:)*g3 + vals(5,3,:)*f3 val01_(1,:) = vals(3,1,:)*g3 + vals(7,1,:)*f3 val01_(2,:) = vals(3,2,:)*g3 + vals(7,2,:)*f3 val01_(3,:) = vals(3,3,:)*g3 + vals(7,3,:)*f3 val10_(1,:) = vals(2,1,:)*g3 + vals(6,1,:)*f3 val10_(2,:) = vals(2,2,:)*g3 + vals(6,2,:)*f3 val10_(3,:) = vals(2,3,:)*g3 + vals(6,3,:)*f3 val11_(1,:) = vals(4,1,:)*g3 + vals(8,1,:)*f3 val11_(2,:) = vals(4,2,:)*g3 + vals(8,2,:)*f3 val11_(3,:) = vals(4,3,:)*g3 + vals(8,3,:)*f3 val0__ = val00_*g2 + val01_*f2 val1__ = val10_*g2 + val11_*f2 trilinear_interpol_hes = val0__*g1 + val1__*f1 END FUNCTION ! The following subroutine gets gradient using central difference ! converts the gradient from lattice to cartesian by the end of it ! Note that the gradient is contravariant ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION CDGrad(p,chg) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: p INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: pzm,pzp,pxm,pxp,pym,pyp REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: CDGrad pzm = p + (/0,0,-1/) pzp = p + (/0,0,1/) pxm = p + (/-1,0,0/) pxp = p + (/1,0,0/) pym = p + (/0,-1,0/) pyp = p + (/0,1,0/) CALL pbc(pxm,chg%npts) CALL pbc(pym,chg%npts) CALL pbc(pzm,chg%npts) CALL pbc(pxp,chg%npts) CALL pbc(pyp,chg%npts) CALL pbc(pzp,chg%npts) CDGrad(3) = 0.5*(rho_val(chg,pzp(1),pzp(2),pzp(3)) - & rho_val(chg,pzm(1),pzm(2),pzm(3))) CDGrad(2) = 0.5*(rho_val(chg,pyp(1),pyp(2),pyp(3)) - & rho_val(chg,pym(1),pym(2),pym(3))) CDGrad(1) = 0.5*(rho_val(chg,pxp(1),pxp(2),pxp(3)) - & rho_val(chg,pxm(1),pxm(2),pxm(3))) CDGrad = MATMUL(CDGrad,chg%car2lat) RETURN ! now the gradient should be in cartesian END FUNCTION CDGrad ! the following subroutine gets hes and force in lattice units and converts ! to cartesian by the end ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION CDHessian(p,chg) REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: CDHessian TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: ptxy1, ptxy2, ptxy3, ptxy4, ptxz1, ptxz2, ptxz3 INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: ptxz4, ptyz1, ptyz2, ptyz3, ptyz4 INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: p, ptx1, ptx2, pty1, pty2, ptz1, ptz2 CALL pbc(p,chg%npts) ptx1 = p + (/1,0,0/) ptx2 = p + (/-1,0,0/) pty1 = p + (/0,1,0/) pty2 = p + (/0,-1,0/) ptz1 = p + (/0,0,1/) ptz2 = p + (/0,0,-1/) CALL pbc(ptx1,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptx2,chg%npts) CALL pbc(pty1,chg%npts) CALL pbc(pty2,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptz1,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptz2,chg%npts) CDHessian(1,1) = & (rho_val(chg,ptx1(1),ptx1(2),ptx1(3)) - & rho_val(chg,p(1),p(2),p(3))) - & (rho_val(chg,p(1),p(2),p(3)) - & rho_val(chg,ptx2(1),ptx2(2),ptx2(3))) CDHessian(2,2) = & (rho_val(chg,pty1(1),pty1(2),pty1(3)) - & rho_val(chg,p(1),p(2),p(3))) - & (rho_val(chg,p(1),p(2),p(3)) - & rho_val(chg,pty2(1),pty2(2),pty2(3))) CDHessian(3,3) = & (rho_val(chg,ptz1(1),ptz1(2),ptz1(3)) - & rho_val(chg,p(1),p(2),p(3))) - & (rho_val(chg,p(1),p(2),p(3)) - & rho_val(chg,ptz2(1),ptz2(2),ptz2(3))) ptxy1 = p + (/-1,-1,0/) ptxy2 = p + (/-1,+1,0/) ptxy3 = p + (/+1,+1,0/) ptxy4 = p + (/+1,-1,0/) ptxz1 = p + (/-1,0,-1/) ptxz2 = p + (/-1,0,+1/) ptxz3 = p + (/+1,0,+1/) ptxz4 = p + (/+1,0,-1/) ptyz1 = p + (/0,-1,-1/) ptyz2 = p + (/0,-1,+1/) ptyz3 = p + (/0,+1,+1/) ptyz4 = p + (/0,+1,-1/) CALL pbc(ptxy1,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptxy2,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptxy3,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptxy4,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptxz1,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptxz2,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptxz3,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptxz4,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptyz1,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptyz2,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptyz3,chg%npts) CALL pbc(ptyz4,chg%npts) CDHessian(1,2) = & ( & ! this is the backward dv ! - 0.5_q2 / vMag * & - 0.25_q2 * & ((rho_val(chg,ptxy2(1),ptxy2(2),ptxy2(3)) + & rho_val(chg,pty1(1),pty1(2),pty1(3))) - & (rho_val(chg,ptxy1(1),ptxy1(2),ptxy1(3)) + & rho_val(chg,pty2(1),pty2(2),pty2(3))) ) & ! this is the forward dv + 0.25_q2 * & ((rho_val(chg,ptxy3(1),ptxy3(2),ptxy3(3)) + & rho_val(chg,pty1(1),pty1(2),pty1(3))) - & (rho_val(chg,ptxy4(1),ptxy4(2),ptxy4(3)) + & rho_val(chg,pty2(1),pty2(2),pty2(3))) ) & ) CDHessian(2,1) = CDHessian(1,2) CDHessian(1,3) = & ( & ! this is the bacward dw - 0.25_q2 * & ((rho_val(chg,ptxz2(1),ptxz2(2),ptxz2(3)) + & rho_val(chg,ptz1(1),ptz1(2),ptz1(3))) - & (rho_val(chg,ptxz1(1),ptxz1(2),ptxz1(3)) + & rho_val(chg,ptz2(1),ptz2(2),ptz2(3))) ) & ! this is the forward dw + 0.25_q2 * & ((rho_val(chg,ptxz3(1),ptxz3(2),ptxz3(3)) + & rho_val(chg,ptz1(1),ptz1(2),ptz1(3))) - & (rho_val(chg,ptxz4(1),ptxz4(2),ptxz4(3)) + & rho_val(chg,ptz2(1),ptz2(2),ptz2(3))) ) & ) CDHessian(3,1) = CDHessian(1,3) CDHessian(2,3) = & ( & ! this is the bacward dw - 0.25_q2 * & ((rho_val(chg,ptyz2(1),ptyz2(2),ptyz2(3)) + & rho_val(chg,ptz1(1),ptz1(2),ptz1(3))) - & (rho_val(chg,ptyz1(1),ptyz1(2),ptyz1(3)) + & rho_val(chg,ptz2(1),ptz2(2),ptz2(3))) ) & ! this is the forward dw + 0.25_q2 * & ((rho_val(chg,ptyz3(1),ptyz3(2),ptyz3(3)) + & rho_val(chg,ptz1(1),ptz1(2),ptz1(3))) - & (rho_val(chg,ptyz4(1),ptyz4(2),ptyz4(3)) + & rho_val(chg,ptz2(1),ptz2(2),ptz2(3))) ) & ) CDHessian(3,2) = CDHessian(2,3) ! Convert the hessian, which is now in lattice coordinates, to cartesian !CDHessian = MATMUL(MATMUL(chg%car2lat,CDHessian),TRANSPOSE(chg%car2lat)) CDHessian = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(chg%car2lat),MATMUL(CDHessian,chg%car2lat)) !CDHessian = MATMUL(CDHessian,chg%car2lat) RETURN END FUNCTION CDHessian ! This function takes in current position and grid point position in ! lattice, finds the distance this point is to the nearest cell, take half ! the distance as step size. FUNCTION findstepsize(r) REAL(q2) :: findstepsize REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: r REAL(q2) :: f1,f2,f3 f1 = MIN(ABS(r(1)),ABS(0.5-ABS(r(1)))) f2 = MIN(ABS(r(2)),ABS(0.5-ABS(r(2)))) f3 = MIN(ABS(r(3)),ABS(0.5-ABS(r(3)))) findstepsize = MIN(MIN(f1,f2),MIN(f1,f3))/2 RETURN END FUNCTION findstepsize ! this funciton finds hessian of a interpolated point using interpolated ! nearest neighbor gradients. Also gradients taken in here should be in ! lattice. FUNCTION inthessian(grad,stepsize) REAL(q2),DIMENSION(6,3) :: grad REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: inthessian REAL(q2) :: stepsize ! again, intnngrad is following this order: ! +x -x +y -y +z -z inthessian(1,1) = (grad(1,1)-grad(2,1))*0.5_q2/stepsize inthessian(2,2) = (grad(3,2)-grad(4,2))*0.5_q2/stepsize inthessian(3,3) = (grad(5,3)-grad(6,3))*0.5_q2/stepsize inthessian(1,2) = (grad(3,1)-grad(4,1))*0.5_q2/stepsize inthessian(2,1) = inthessian(1,2) inthessian(1,3) = (grad(5,1)-grad(6,1))*0.5_q2/stepsize inthessian(3,1) = inthessian(1,3) inthessian(2,3) = (grad(5,2)-grad(6,2))*0.5_q2/stepsize inthessian(3,2) = inthessian(2,3) ! assuming that this function is fine RETURN END FUNCTION inthessian ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION makevi() INTEGER, DIMENSION(3,26) :: makevi makevi(:,1)=(/-1,-1,-1/) makevi(:,2)=(/-1,-1,0/) makevi(:,3)=(/-1,-1,1/) makevi(:,4)=(/-1,0,-1/) makevi(:,5)=(/-1,0,0/) makevi(:,6)=(/-1,0,1/) makevi(:,7)=(/-1,1,-1/) makevi(:,8)=(/-1,1,0/) makevi(:,9)=(/-1,1,1/) makevi(:,10)=(/0,-1,-1/) makevi(:,11)=(/0,-1,0/) makevi(:,12)=(/0,-1,1/) makevi(:,13)=(/0,0,-1/) makevi(:,14)=(/1,1,1/) makevi(:,15)=(/1,1,0/) makevi(:,16)=(/1,1,-1/) makevi(:,17)=(/1,0,1/) makevi(:,18)=(/1,0,0/) makevi(:,19)=(/1,0,-1/) makevi(:,20)=(/1,-1,1/) makevi(:,21)=(/1,-1,0/) makevi(:,22)=(/1,-1,-1/) makevi(:,23)=(/0,1,1/) makevi(:,24)=(/0,1,0/) makevi(:,25)=(/0,1,-1/) makevi(:,26)=(/0,0,1/) RETURN END FUNCTION ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION makeggrid(chg,ions) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: makeggrid makeggrid(1,1) = DOT_PRODUCT(ions%lattice(1,:),ions%lattice(1,:))/ & (chg%npts(1)*chg%npts(1)) makeggrid(1,2) = DOT_PRODUCT(ions%lattice(1,:),ions%lattice(2,:))/ & (chg%npts(1)*chg%npts(2)) makeggrid(1,3) = DOT_PRODUCT(ions%lattice(1,:),ions%lattice(3,:))/ & (chg%npts(1)*chg%npts(3)) makeggrid(2,1) = DOT_PRODUCT(ions%lattice(2,:),ions%lattice(1,:))/ & (chg%npts(2)*chg%npts(1)) makeggrid(2,2) = DOT_PRODUCT(ions%lattice(2,:),ions%lattice(2,:))/ & (chg%npts(2)*chg%npts(2)) makeggrid(2,3) = DOT_PRODUCT(ions%lattice(2,:),ions%lattice(3,:))/ & (chg%npts(2)*chg%npts(3)) makeggrid(3,1) = DOT_PRODUCT(ions%lattice(3,:),ions%lattice(1,:))/ & (chg%npts(3)*chg%npts(1)) makeggrid(3,2) = DOT_PRODUCT(ions%lattice(3,:),ions%lattice(2,:))/ & (chg%npts(3)*chg%npts(2)) makeggrid(3,3) = DOT_PRODUCT(ions%lattice(3,:),ions%lattice(3,:))/ & (chg%npts(3)*chg%npts(3)) RETURN END FUNCTION ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION ascension(ind,chg, & ggrid,opts,ions) ! this function finds nucleus critical points. INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: ind TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(options_obj) :: opts TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: ascension, distance INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: nnind REAL(q2), DIMENSION(8,3) :: nngrad INTEGER :: j, stepcount REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: tempr, rn, rnm1 ! rn minus 1 REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: grad, stepsize, gradnm1 REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3,3) :: ggrid stepcount = 0 ALLOCATE(nnInd(8,3)) ! ALLOCATE(nnInd((nnlayers*2+1)**3,3)) ! initialize the process CALL pbc(ind,chg%npts) rn(1) = REAL(ind(1),q2) rn(2) = REAL(ind(2),q2) rn(3) = REAL(ind(3),q2) stepsize(1) = 0.5 stepsize(2) = 0.5 stepsize(3) = 0.5 grad = cdgrad(ind,chg) ! this gradient is in cartesian. convert it to lattice grad = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,grad) DO WHILE (stepsize(1) >= 0.01 .AND. & stepsize(2) >= 0.01 .AND. & stepsize(3) >= 0.01 ) ! the gradient is in cartesian. gradnm1 = grad rnm1 = rn ! determine where to go, a unit vector tempr = grad / SQRT(SUM(grad*grad)) tempr(1) = stepsize(1) * tempr(1) tempr(2) = stepsize(2) * tempr(2) tempr(3) = stepsize(3) * tempr(3) rn = rn + tempr CALL pbc_r_lat(rn,chg%npts) nnind = SimpleNN(rn,chg) DO j = 1,8 CALL pbc(nnind(j,:),chg%npts) nngrad(j,:) = cdgrad(nnind(j,:),chg) END DO distance = rn - nnind(1,:) !Row find the nearest neighbors at this new locaiton !First update critical point location !The next big step is to interpolate the force at predicted critical !point. grad = trilinear_interpol_grad(nngrad,distance) ! val r interpol !nnind = FindNN(rn,nnLayers,chg,ions) !grad = R2GradInterpol(nnind,rn,chg,nnLayers) ! this grad is in cartesian. convert it to lattice grad = MATMUL(grad,chg%lat2car) IF (ABS(grad(1)) < 0.001 & .AND. ABS(grad(2)) <= 0.001 & .AND. ABS(grad(3)) <= 0.001) THEN ! we are at a critical point! ! PRINT *, 'ascention gradient sufficiently small' ! PRINT *, 'ascension rn is' ! PRINT *, rn EXIT END IF ! if grad points backwards, reduce stepsize IF (DOT_PRODUCT(grad,gradnm1) <= 0) THEN stepsize = 0.5*stepsize END IF !IF (grad(1) * gradnm1(1) < 0) THEN ! stepsize(1) = stepsize(1)/2 !END IF !IF (grad(2) * gradnm1(2) < 0) THEN ! stepsize(2) = stepsize(2)/2 !END IF !IF (grad(3) * gradnm1(3) < 0) THEN ! stepsize(3) = stepsize(3)/2 !END IF stepcount = stepcount + 1 ! PRINT *, rn END DO ascension = rn ! PRINT *, 'ascension step count is ', stepcount RETURN END FUNCTION ascension ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE RingAscension(cp,chg,ions, UniqueCPs) !Starting from a ring critical point, locates the positions of associated nuclei critical points REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: ind REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: vec1, vec2,vecsum TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions TYPE(cpc) :: cp INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: UniqueCPs INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: CPsFound1 INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: CPsFound2 INTEGER :: i, divs, divs2 LOGICAL :: foundring ind = cp%truer !checks to make sure is a ring CP divs = 10 divs2 = 30 ALLOCATE(CPsFound1(divs)) ALLOCATE(CPsFound2(divs2)) CPsFound1 = CPsFound1*0 CPsFound2 = CPsFound2*0 IF (cp%eigvals(1) < 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(2) > 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(3) > 0 ) THEN vec1(1) = cp%eigvecs(1,2) vec1(2) = cp%eigvecs(2,2) vec1(3) = cp%eigvecs(3,2) vec2(1) = cp%eigvecs(1,3) vec2(2) = cp%eigvecs(2,3) vec2(3) = cp%eigvecs(3,3) foundring = .TRUE. ELSE IF (cp%eigvals(1) > 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(2) < 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(3) > 0 ) THEN vec1(1) = cp%eigvecs(1,1) vec1(2) = cp%eigvecs(2,1) vec1(3) = cp%eigvecs(3,1) vec2(1) = cp%eigvecs(1,3) vec2(2) = cp%eigvecs(2,3) vec2(3) = cp%eigvecs(3,3) foundring = .TRUE. ELSE IF (cp%eigvals(1) > 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(2) > 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(3) < 0 ) THEN vec1(1) = cp%eigvecs(1,1) vec1(2) = cp%eigvecs(2,1) vec1(3) = cp%eigvecs(3,1) vec2(1) = cp%eigvecs(1,2) vec2(2) = cp%eigvecs(2,2) vec2(3) = cp%eigvecs(3,2) foundring = .TRUE. ELSE ! PRINT *, "Not a ring CP" vec1 = (/0.0, 0.0, 0.0/) vec2 = (/0.0, 0.0, 0.0/) foundring = .FALSE. END IF vec1 = vec1/Mag(vec1) vec2 = vec2 - DOT_PRODUCT(vec1,vec2)/DOT_PRODUCT(vec1,vec1)*vec1 vec2 = vec2/Mag(vec2) IF (foundring) THEN DO i=1,divs vecsum = vec1*COS(i*2*3.1415/divs) + vec2*SIN(i*2*3.1415/divs) CPsFound1(i) = ascension_new(ind+vecsum, chg, ions) ! PRINT *,"Nuclei found 1st run: ", CPsFound1(i) END DO vec1 = 2*vec1 vec2 = 2*vec2 PRINT *, " " DO i=1,divs2 vecsum = vec1*COS(i*2*3.1415/divs2) + vec2*SIN(i*2*3.1415/divs2) CPsFound2(i) = ascension_new(ind+vecsum, chg, ions) ! PRINT *, "Nuclei found 2nd run: ", CPsFound2(i) END DO ! PRINT *,"CPsFound2: ", CPsFound2 END IF CALL unique(CPsFound1,UniqueCPs) IF (foundring) PRINT *, divs, " run: ", UniqueCPs CALL unique(CPsFound2,UniqueCPs) IF (foundring) PRINT *, divs2, " run: ", UniqueCPs IF (foundring) PRINT *, " " END SUBROUTINE RingAscension !helper subroutine for RingAscension which takes an array of integers and returns an array of the unique elements of that array ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE unique(vec,vec_unique) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER,DIMENSION(:),INTENT(in) :: vec INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: vec_unique INTEGER :: i, num LOGICAL, DIMENSION(size(vec)) :: mask mask = .FALSE. DO i=1,size(vec) num = count(vec(i)==vec) IF (num==1) THEN mask(i) = .TRUE. ELSE IF (.NOT. ANY(vec(i)==vec .AND. mask)) mask(i) = .TRUE. END IF END DO ALLOCATE(vec_unique(count(mask)) ) vec_unique = pack(vec,mask) END SUBROUTINE unique ! removes the zero/NaN entries in a list of real-valued vectors ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE unique_realcoords(vec,vec_unique) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(q2), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: vec REAL(q2), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: vec_unique INTEGER :: i LOGICAL, DIMENSION(size(vec,1),size(vec,2)) :: mask mask = .TRUE. DO i=1,size(vec,1) IF (vec(i,1) .NE. vec(i,1) .OR. vec(i,2) .NE. vec(i,2) .OR. vec(i,3) .NE. vec(i,3) ) THEN mask(i,:) = .FALSE. ELSE IF (Mag(vec(i,:)) <1) THEN mask(i,:) = .FALSE. END IF END DO ALLOCATE(vec_unique(count(mask)/3, 3) ) vec_unique =reshape( pack(vec,mask), (/count(mask)/3, 3 /) ) END SUBROUTINE unique_realcoords ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION DoubleAscension(bdr,cp,chg,ions,opts,direction,cpl,ucptnum) !cp is a selected critical point candidate (cpc) object !performs ascension starting from an input bond CP to find the array indices of the two associated nuclei CPs. !will gradient ascend from two points shifted in opposite directions around it following the bond eigenvector. !Returns the index numbers of the two nuclei found as an array of size 2 REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: ind REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) ::vector TYPE(cpc), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: cpl TYPE(bader_obj) :: bdr TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions TYPE(options_obj) :: opts REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: ind_plus, ind_minus REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: traj_end TYPE(cpc) :: cp INTEGER :: vecnum, nuc1num, nuc2num, direction, ucptnum INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: iinds INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: DoubleAscension !assigns ind to the starting critical point coordinate ind = cp%truer IF (direction == 1) THEN !checks to make sure only one eigenvalue is positive (indicating bond CP), and finds which one it is. IF (cp%eigvals(1) < 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(2) < 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(3) > 0 ) THEN vecnum = 3 ELSE IF (cp%eigvals(1) < 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(2) > 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(3) <0 ) THEN vecnum = 2 ELSE IF (cp%eigvals(1) > 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(2) < 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(3) < 0 ) THEN vecnum = 1 ELSE vecnum = 0 END IF ELSEIF (direction == -1) THEN !checks to make sure only one eigenvalue is negative (indicating ring CP), and finds which one it is. IF (cp%eigvals(1) > 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(2) > 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(3) < 0 ) THEN vecnum = 3 ELSE IF (cp%eigvals(1) > 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(2) < 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(3) > 0 ) THEN vecnum = 2 ELSE IF (cp%eigvals(1) < 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(2) > 0 .AND. cp%eigvals(3) > 0 ) THEN vecnum = 1 ELSE vecnum = 0 END IF END IF nuc1num = 0 nuc2num = 0 IF (vecnum == 0) THEN ! PRINT *, "Not a valid bond critical point! Exactly one positive eigenvalue is required to proceed" ELSE vector = cp%eigvecs(:,vecnum) vector = vector/Mag(vector) ind_plus = ind + vector ind_minus = ind - vector CALL pbc_r_lat(ind_plus, chg%npts) CALL pbc_r_lat(ind_minus, chg%npts) IF (direction == 1) THEN nuc1num = ascension_new(ind_plus,chg,ions) nuc2num = ascension_new(ind_minus,chg,ions) ELSEIF (direction == -1) THEN iinds = NINT(ind + 2 * vector) CALL pbc(iinds,chg%npts) traj_end = DensityDescend(chg,bdr,opts,iinds) CALL pbc_r_lat(traj_end, chg%npts) nuc1num = CageSearch(traj_end,cpl,ucptnum,bdr,chg) iinds = NINT(ind - 2 * vector) CALL pbc(iinds,chg%npts) traj_end = DensityDescend(chg,bdr,opts,iinds) CALL pbc_r_lat(traj_end, chg%npts) nuc2num = CageSearch(traj_end,cpl,ucptnum,bdr,chg) END IF END IF DoubleAscension(1) = nuc1num DoubleAscension(2) = nuc2num RETURN END FUNCTION DoubleAscension ! search in the cp list and find a close by cage point FUNCTION CageSearch(r,cpl,ucptnum,bdr,chg) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(bader_obj) :: bdr TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cpl REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: r REAL(q2) :: min_distance, distance INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: p INTEGER :: CageSearch, ucptnum, nearest_cage, n p = NINT(r) CALL pbc(p,chg%npts) IF (bdr%volnum(p(1),p(2),p(3)) == bdr%bnum + 1) THEN CageSearch = -1 !connected to vacuum ELSE min_distance = 9999 DO n=1, ucptnum IF (cpl(n)%negCount == 0) THEN distance = SQRT(SUM((cpl(n)%trueR(1:3) - r(1:3))**2) ) IF (distance < min_distance) THEN min_distance = distance CageSearch = n END IF END IF END DO IF (min_distance > 1) THEN CageSearch = -2 !no cage found END IF END IF RETURN END FUNCTION CageSearch ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION Ascension_New(ind, chg, ions) !used by DoubleAscension !performs gradient ascent on a real coordinate, returns list index of the first nuclei found within 0.5 units of position . REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) ::startpos, ind TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: grad,oldgrad, distance REAL(q2) :: maxstepsize INTEGER,DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnInd REAL(q2), DIMENSION(8,3) :: nngrad INTEGER :: i, j, loopcount, stepMax INTEGER :: ascension_new LOGICAL :: foundAtom CALL pbc_r_lat(ind, chg%npts) startpos = ind nnInd = SimpleNN(ind, chg) DO j=1,8 CALL pbc(nnInd(j,:),chg%npts) nngrad(j,:) = CDGrad(nnInd(j,:),chg) END DO distance = ind - nnInd(1,:) grad = trilinear_interpol_grad(nnGrad,distance) grad = MATMUL(grad,chg%lat2car) foundAtom = .FALSE. ascension_new = 0 maxstepsize = 0.5 loopcount = 0 stepMax = 1000 DO WHILE(loopcount < stepMax) loopcount = loopcount + 1 ! PRINT *, "ind", ind DO i=1,ions%nions ! PRINT *, ions%r_lat(i,:) IF (Mag(MATMUL(ions%r_lat(i,:),chg%lat2car)-MATMUL(ind,chg%lat2car)) < 0.15 ) THEN ! PRINT *, "Found an atom within 0.5" ascension_new = i foundAtom = .TRUE. !PRINT *, "Cartesian Distance: ", Mag(MATMUL(ind,chg%lat2car)-MATMUL(startpos,chg%lat2car)) EXIT END IF END DO IF (foundAtom) THEN EXIT END IF grad = MIN(Mag(grad),maxstepsize) * grad/Mag(grad) ind = ind + grad oldgrad = grad CALL pbc_r_lat(ind, chg%npts) nnInd = SimpleNN(ind,chg) DO j=1,8 CALL pbc(nnInd(j,:),chg%npts) nngrad(j,:) = CDGrad(nnInd(j,:),chg) END DO distance = ind - nnInd(1,:) grad = trilinear_interpol_grad(nnGrad,distance) grad = MATMUL(grad,chg%lat2car) IF (SUM(grad*oldgrad)<0) THEN maxstepsize = 1*maxstepsize END IF END DO IF (.NOT. foundAtom) THEN ! PRINT *, "No atom was found" END IF RETURN END FUNCTION ascension_new ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION Descension(ind,chg, & opts,ions) ! this function finds nucleus critical points. INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: ind TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(options_obj) :: opts TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: descension, distance INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: nnind REAL(q2), DIMENSION(8,3) :: nngrad INTEGER :: j, stepcount REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: tempr, rn, rnm1 ! rn minus 1 REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: grad, stepsize, gradnm1 stepcount = 0 ALLOCATE(nnInd(8,3)) ! initialize the process CALL pbc(ind,chg%npts) rn(1) = REAL(ind(1),q2) rn(2) = REAL(ind(2),q2) rn(3) = REAL(ind(3),q2) stepsize(1) = 0.5 stepsize(2) = 0.5 stepsize(3) = 0.5 grad = cdgrad(ind,chg) ! this gradient is in cartesian. convert it to lattice grad = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,grad) DO WHILE (stepsize(1) >= 0.1 .AND. & stepsize(2) >= 0.1 .AND. & stepsize(3) >= 0.1 ) ! the gradient is in cartesian. IF (SUM(grad*grad) <= (0.1*opts%par_gradfloor)**2) THEN PRINT *, 'descension grad small enough' EXIT END IF gradnm1 = grad rnm1 = rn ! determine where to go, a unit vector tempr = grad / SQRT(SUM(grad*grad)) tempr(1) = stepsize(1) * tempr(1) tempr(2) = stepsize(2) * tempr(2) tempr(3) = stepsize(3) * tempr(3) rn = rn - tempr CALL pbc_r_lat(rn,chg%npts) nnind = SimpleNN(rn,chg) DO j = 1,8 CALL pbc(nnind(j,:),chg%npts) nngrad(j,:) = cdgrad(nnind(j,:),chg) END DO distance = rn - nnind(1,:) grad = trilinear_interpol_grad(nngrad,distance) ! val r interpol ! this grad is in cartesian. convert it to lattice grad = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,grad) IF (SUM(grad*grad)<=(0.1*opts%par_gradfloor)**2) THEN ! we are at a critical point! EXIT END IF ! if grad points backwards, reduce stepsize IF (grad(1) * gradnm1(1) < 0) THEN stepsize(1) = stepsize(1)/2 END IF IF (grad(2) * gradnm1(2) < 0) THEN stepsize(2) = stepsize(2)/2 END IF IF (grad(3) * gradnm1(3) < 0) THEN stepsize(3) = stepsize(3)/2 END IF stepcount = stepcount + 1 END DO descension = rn RETURN END FUNCTION ! this function takes in the current point, see if a near by point has ! already been marked as a critical point. if yes, skip it. The criteria is ! set to be based on halfo the search radius, which is 1 + knob_tem ! THIS FUNCTION AS OF 20191221 WONT WORK WELL AROUND PBC ! As a loose first round checking, it is OK that a few points near the PBC ! are permitted into the candidacy. ! Just like the Democratic 2020 primary, not everyone has to be super ! qualified to enter. ! USED IN THIS MODULE !FUNCTION ProxyToCPCandidate(p,opts,cpl,cptnum,chg,nnLayers) FUNCTION ProxyToCPCandidate(p,opts,cpl,cptnum,chg) LOGICAL :: ProxyToCPCandidate INTEGER :: i INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: p TYPE(options_obj) :: opts TYPE(cpc), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: cpl TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg INTEGER :: cptnum !INTEGER :: nnLayers ProxyToCPCandidate = .FALSE. ! These are lattice based and do not take PBC into consideration DO i = 1, cptnum IF (ABS(cpl(i)%ind(1) - p(1)) <= opts%cp_search_radius .AND. & ABS(cpl(i)%ind(2) - p(2)) <= opts%cp_search_radius .AND. & ABS(cpl(i)%ind(3) - p(3)) <= opts%cp_search_radius ) THEN ProxyToCPCandidate = .TRUE. END IF END DO RETURN END FUNCTION ProxyToCPCandidate ! this function should always run. it first checks if things are stuck ! this function is for when newton raphson hops between two points FUNCTION unstuck( nexttem, previoustem, temscale, temnormcap) REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: nexttem, previoustem, temscale, unstuck REAL(q2) :: temnormcap LOGICAL :: stuck LOGICAL :: capprev,capnext ! see if tem was or will be capped stuck = .FALSE. ! we check for stuckness capprev = .FALSE. capnext = .FALSE. !temnormcap is all rounded cap designed to prevent overstepping. !temnormcap should not change at all !temscaleois direction sensitive. It gradually narrows in if tem changes !sign a lot. IF (Mag(previoustem) == temnormcap) THEN capprev = .TRUE. END IF IF (Mag(nexttem) == temnormcap ) THEN capnext = .TRUE. END IF ! if nexttem and prev tem are complete opposites, it's stuck for sure IF (nexttem(1) == -previoustem(1) .AND. & nexttem(2) == -previoustem(2) .AND. & nexttem(3) == -previoustem(3) ) THEN stuck = .TRUE. END IF IF ( stuck ) THEN nexttem = rngkick(nexttem) END IF unstuck = nexttem ! stuck is defined as nexttem and previous tem being equal but complete ! opposite RETURN END FUNCTION ! this function takes in a vector, give it a random scale within 10% FUNCTION rngkick(nexttem) REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: nexttem, rngkick REAL(q2) :: ran INTEGER :: i DO i = 1,3 CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(ran) nexttem(1) = ((0.5-ran)*0.2 + 1)*nexttem(1) END DO rngkick = nexttem RETURN END FUNCTION ! give the Magnitude of a 3d vector ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION Mag(vec3d) REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: vec3d REAL(q2) :: Mag Mag = SQRT(SUM(vec3d*vec3d)) RETURN END FUNCTION ! this function takes in the movement factor, modifies it as necessary ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION TemMods(nexttem,temscale,temnormcap) REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: TemMods, nexttem, temscale REAL(q2) :: temnormcap INTEGER :: i TemMods = nexttem DO i = 1 , 3 TemMods(i) = TemMods(i) * temscale(i) END DO IF (Mag(TemMods) > temNormCap) THEN TemMods = TemMods/Mag(TemMods) * temScale END IF RETURN END FUNCTION ! this function inspects if it is beneficial to reduce temscale ! right now it does nothing because I'm not sure if limiting it helps in any ! way at all ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION scaleinspector( nexttem, previoustem, temScale) REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: nexttem, previoustem, temScale, scaleinspector !DO i = 1, 3 ! IF (nexttem(i)*previoustem(i) <= 0) THEN ! temScale(i) = temScale(i) * 0.5 ! END IF !END DO !IF (nexttem(1)*previoustem(1)<=0 .AND. & ! nexttem(1)*previoustem(1)<=0 .AND. & ! nexttem(1)*previoustem(1)<=0 ) THEN ! temScale = temScale * 0.5 !END IF scaleinspector = temScale RETURN END FUNCTION ! if it is detected that the hessian FUNCTION unZeroHessian(truer,chg,ggrid) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3,3) :: unZeroHessian INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: truer REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3,3) :: ggrid REAL(q2) :: ran INTEGER :: i ! first step is to move a little bit DO i = 1 , 3 CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(ran) truer(i) = truer(i) + (ran - 0.5)*0.000001 END DO ! second step is to find the new nearest neighbors PRINT *, truer PRINT *,"broken code executed" STOP unZeroHessian = 0 RETURN END FUNCTION ! This subroutine checks if PH rule is satisfied given crystal/molecule ! inport or not ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE PHRuleExam(ucpCounts,opts,ions,phmrCompliant) TYPE(options_obj) :: opts TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts INTEGER :: phSum,iphsum LOGICAL :: phmrCompliant phSum = ucpCounts(1) - ucpCounts(2) + ucpCounts(3) - ucpCounts(4) IF (ucpCounts(1) /= ions%nions) PRINT *, "WARNING: There is more nuclear CP & than number of atoms!" iphSum = ions%nions - ucpCounts(2) + ucpCounts(3) - ucpCounts(4) !phSum = iphSum ! Using atom count to override phmrCompliant = .FALSE. IF (opts%isCrystal) THEN PRINT *, 'The system is assigned as a Crystal' IF (.NOT. (ucpCounts(1)>=1 .AND. ucpCounts(2)>=3 .AND. ucpCounts(3)>=3 .AND. ucpCounts(4)>=1)) THEN PRINT *,''//achar(27)//'[31m ERROR: FAILED Morse relationship. Number& of CPs found is not enough.' & //achar(27)//'[0m' ELSE IF (phSum == 0) THEN PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[32m Satisfies the Morse Relationship' & //achar(27)//'[0m' phmrCompliant = .TRUE. ELSE IF (phSum == 1 .AND. iphSum == phSum ) THEN PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[31m ERROR: The result satisfies the & Poincare Hopf Rule for a & molecule, not a crystal.' & //achar(27)//'[0m' ELSE IF (iphSum == 0 .AND. iphSum /= phSum) THEN PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[33m Using the number of atoms & instead of the number of the number of maxima found' & //achar(27)//'[0m' PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[32m Satisfies the Morse Relationship' & //achar(27)//'[0m' phmrCompliant = .TRUE. ELSE IF (iphSum == 1 .AND. iphSum /= phSum) THEN PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[33m Using the number of atoms & instead of the number of the number of maxima found' & //achar(27)//'[0m' PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[31m ERROR: The result satisfies the & Poincare Hopf Rule for a & molecule, not a crystal.' & //achar(27)//'[0m' ELSE PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[31m ERROR: FAILED Morse relationship' & //achar(27)//'[0m' END IF ELSE IF (opts%isMolecule) THEN PRINT *, 'The system is assigned as a Molecule' IF (phSum == 0) THEN PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[31m ERROR: The result satisfies the Morse Relationship & for a crystal, not a molecule.'//char(27)//'[0m' ELSE IF (phSum == 1) THEN phmrCompliant = .TRUE. PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[32m Satisfies the Poincare Hopf Rule' & //achar(27)//'[0m' ELSE IF (iphSum == 0 .AND. iphSum /= phSum) THEN PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[33m Using the number of atoms & instead of the number of the number of maxima found' & //achar(27)//'[0m' PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[31m ERROR: The result satisfies the Morse Relationship & for a crystal, not a molecule.'//char(27)//'[0m' ELSE IF (iphSum == 1 .AND. iphSum /= phSum) THEN PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[33m Using the number of atoms & instead of the number of the number of maxima found' & //achar(27)//'[0m' phmrCompliant = .TRUE. PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[32m Satisfies the Poincare Hopf Rule' & //achar(27)//'[0m' ELSE PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[31m ERROR: FAILED Poincare Hopf Rule' & //achar(27)//'[0m' END IF ELSE IF (phSum == 0) THEN IF (.NOT. (ucpCounts(1)>=1 .AND. ucpCounts(2)>=3 .AND. ucpCounts(3)>=3 .AND. ucpCounts(4)>=1)) THEN PRINT *,''//achar(27)//'[31m ERROR: FAILED Morse relationship. Number& of CPs found is not enough and FAILED Poincare Hopf Rule.' & //achar(27)//'[0m' phmrCompliant = .FALSE. ELSE phmrCompliant = .TRUE. PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[32m This system has not been designated & as a molecule or crystal but the Morse relationship for & crystals are satisfied.' //achar(27)//'[0m' END IF ELSE IF (phSum == 1) THEN phmrCompliant = .TRUE. PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[32m This system has not been designated & as a molecule or crystal but the Poincare-Hopf rule for & molecules are satisfied.' //achar(27)//'[0m' END IF IF (iphSum == 0 .AND. iphSum /= phSum) THEN phmrCompliant = .TRUE. PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[33m Using the number of atoms & instead of the number of the number of maxima found' & //achar(27)//'[0m' PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[32m This system has not been designated & as a molecule or crystal but the Morse relationship for & crystals are satisfied.' //achar(27)//'[0m' ELSE IF (iphSum == 1 .AND. iphSum /= phSum) THEN phmrCompliant = .TRUE. PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[33m Using the number of atoms & instead of the number of the number of maxima found' & //achar(27)//'[0m' PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[32m This system has not been designated & as a molecule or crystal but the Poincare-Hopf rule for & molecules are satisfied.' //achar(27)//'[0m' END IF IF (.NOT. phmrCompliant) THEN PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[31m ERROR: FAILED Poincare Hopf Rule & and Morse Relationship' //achar(27)//'[0m' END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE PHRuleExam ! count the number of negative eigenvalues to characterize a critical point ! the version of the above subroutine where p is real not integer ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE RecordCPR(p,chg,cpl,ucptnum,connectedAtoms, ucpCounts, & opts,hessianMatrix,ind) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(options_obj) :: opts TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cpl REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: eigvals, grad REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3,3) :: eigvecs, hessianMatrix INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: connectedAtoms REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: p,realdump REAL(q2) :: rho INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: ind INTEGER :: ucptnum, negCount INTEGER :: it_num, rot_num LOGICAL :: LDM cpl(ucptnum)%hessianMatrix = hessianMatrix CALL jacobi_eigenvalue(3,hessianMatrix,9999,eigvecs,eigvals,& it_num, rot_num ) negCount = CountNegModes(eigvals) IF (LDM) THEN PRINT *, "CountNegModes counted negCount as " PRINT *, negCount END IF CALL UpDateCounts(negCount,ucpCounts) cpl(ucptnum)%truer = p !cpl(ucptnum)%grad = grad !where is this getting value from? cpl(ucptnum)%eigvecs = eigvecs cpl(ucptnum)%eigvals = eigvals cpl(ucptnum)%negcount = negcount cpl(ucptnum)%hasProxy = .FALSE. cpl(ucptnum)%ind = ind cpl(ucptnum)%connectedAtoms = connectedAtoms realDump = rho_grad(chg,p,rho) rho = rho cpl(ucptnum)%rho = rho IF (LDM) THEN PRINT *, "RecordCPR recorded CP number ", ucptnum PRINT *, "location is " PRINT *, p PRINT *, "eigvals is " PRINT *, eigvals PRINT *, "negcount is " PRINT *, cpl(ucptnum)%negCount END IF END SUBROUTINE RecordCPR ! This is for recording cage points found through density descend. ! These cage points are on grid points. They can have a gradient ! and a hessian but the hessian may not have 3 positive eigenvalues. SUBROUTINE RecordDensityDescendCage(p,cpl,ucptnum,ucpCounts,chg) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cpl INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: p INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts INTEGER :: ucptnum, it_num, rot_num cpl(ucptnum)%grad = CDGrad(p,chg) cpl(ucptnum)%hessianMatrix = CDHessian(p,chg) CALL jacobi_eigenvalue(3,cpl(ucptnum)%hessianMatrix, & 9999,cpl(ucptnum)%eigvecs,cpl(ucptnum)%eigvals,it_num,rot_num) cpl(ucptnum)%negCount = 0 CALL UpDateCounts(0,ucpCounts) cpl(ucptnum)%trueR = p cpl(ucptnum)%rho = chg%rho(p(1),p(2),p(3)) cpl(ucptnum)%hasProxy = .FALSE. END SUBROUTINE RecordDensityDescendCage ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE RecordCPRLight(p,chg,cpl,ucptnum, ucpCounts, & ind,LDM) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cpl REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: eigvals, grad REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3,3) :: eigvecs, hessianMatrix REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: p, realDump REAL(q2) :: rho INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: ind INTEGER :: ucptnum, negCount INTEGER :: it_num, rot_num LOGICAL :: LDM hessianMatrix = CDHessianR(p,chg) grad = CDGradR(p,chg) cpl(ucptnum)%hessianMatrix = hessianMatrix !CALL DSYEVJ3(hessianMatrix,eigvecs,eigvals) CALL jacobi_eigenvalue(3,hessianMatrix,9999,eigvecs,eigvals,& it_num, rot_num ) negCount = CountNegModes(eigvals) CALL UpDateCounts(negCount,ucpCounts) cpl(ucptnum)%truer = p cpl(ucptnum)%grad = grad cpl(ucptnum)%eigvecs = eigvecs cpl(ucptnum)%eigvals = eigvals cpl(ucptnum)%negCount = negCount cpl(ucptnum)%hasProxy = .FALSE. cpl(ucptnum)%ind = ind realDump = rho_grad(chg,p,rho) cpl(ucptnum)%rho = rho IF (LDM) THEN PRINT *, "RecordCPRLight recorded CP number ",ucptnum PRINT *, "truer is" PRINT *, p PRINT *, "eigvals is" PRINT *, eigvals PRINT *, "negCount is" PRINT *, negCount PRINT *, "Hessian matrix is " PRINT *, hessianMatrix(1,:) PRINT *, hessianMatrix(2,:) PRINT *, hessianMatrix(3,:) END IF END SUBROUTINE RecordCPRLight SUBROUTINE RecordCPStatic(i,cp_static, reduced_cp_static, reduced_ucptnum, reduced_ucpCounts) TYPE(cpc), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: cp_static, reduced_cp_static INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: reduced_ucpCounts INTEGER :: reduced_ucptnum, i reduced_cp_static(reduced_ucptnum) = cp_static(i) CALL UpDateCounts(reduced_cp_static(i)%negCount,reduced_ucpCounts) END SUBROUTINE RecordCPStatic ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE OutputCP(cpl,opts,ucptnum,chg,setcount, ucpCounts) TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cpl TYPE(options_obj) :: opts TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts INTEGER :: ucptnum, i, setcount ! TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions ! vol was used to calculate charge density with cpl(i)%rho/vol ! REAL(q2) :: vol ! vol = matrix_volume(ions%lattice) CHARACTER(10) :: fileName PRINT *, 'Writting critical point output files' WRITE(fileName,fmt='(a,i2.2,a)') TRIM('CPFU'), setcount,TRIM('.dat') PRINT *, 'Critical point information are written in file: ', filename OPEN(98,FILE=filename,STATUS='REPLACE',ACTION='WRITE') WRITE(98,*) 'Number of critical points written: ', ucptnum WRITE(98,*) 'Number of bond, ring and cage critical point written: ', ucpCounts(2:4) WRITE(98,*) 'Nuclear critical points are omitted. Use atomic positions.' DO i = 1, ucptnum !IF (cpl(i)%negCount == 3 ) CYCLE WRITE (98,*) '_______________________________________' WRITE (98,*) 'Unique CP # : ', i WRITE (98,*) 'Critical point is found at indices' WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%truer WRITE (98,*) 'Coordinates in cartesian are' WRITE (98,*) MATMUL(chg%lat2car,cpl(i)%truer) WRITE (98,*) 'Direct coordinates are' WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%truer(1)/chg%npts(1), & cpl(i)%truer(2)/chg%npts(2), & cpl(i)%truer(3)/chg%npts(3) WRITE (98,*) "Charge density is" ! It appears rho_val values are densities indeed. Volume is already ! factored in. WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%rho WRITE (98,*) 'Gradient is' WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%grad WRITE (98,*) 'Hessian is' WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%hessianMatrix(1,:) WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%hessianMatrix(2,:) WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%hessianMatrix(3,:) WRITE (98,*) 'Laplacian is' WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%hessianMatrix(1,1)**2 & + cpl(i)%hessianMatrix(2,2)**2 & + cpl(i)%hessianMatrix(3,3)**2 WRITE (98,*) 'Eigenvalues are' WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%eigvals WRITE (98,*) 'Eigenvectors are' WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%eigvecs(1,:) WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%eigvecs(2,:) WRITE (98,*) cpl(i)%eigvecs(3,:) IF (cpl(i)%negcount == 2) THEN WRITE(98,*) 'Connected Atoms are' WRITE(98,*) cpl(i)%connectedAtoms END IF IF (cpl(i)%negcount == 0) THEN WRITE(98,*) 'This is a cage critical point' WRITE(98,*) ' ' END IF IF (cpl(i)%negcount == 2) THEN WRITE(98,*) 'This is a bond critical point' WRITE(98,*) ' ' ELSEIF(cpl(i)%negcount == 1) THEN WRITE(98,*) 'This is a ring critical point' WRITE(98,*) ' ' ELSEIF(cpl(i)%negcount == 3) THEN WRITE(98,*) 'This is a nuclear critical point' WRITE(98,*) ' ' END IF WRITE(98,*) '_________________________________________' END DO WRITE(98,*) '' CLOSE(98) END SUBROUTINE OutputCP !Outputs a list of connections in a file ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE OutputNetwork(cpl,ucptnum,setcount) TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cpl INTEGER :: ucptnum, i, setcount CHARACTER(10) :: fileName INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: pair WRITE(fileName,fmt='(a,i2.2,a)') TRIM('LINK'),setcount, TRIM('.dat') PRINT *, "Network Graph is written in file: ", fileName OPEN(98,FILE=fileName,STATUS='REPLACE',ACTION='WRITE') !WRITE(98,*) size(ions%atomic_num) !DO i=1,size(ions%atomic_num) ! WRITE (98,*) ions%atomic_num(i) !END DO WRITE(98,*) "Connections between bond CP and atoms" WRITE(98,*) "Connection 1 , ", " CP # , "," Connection 2" DO i=1,ucptnum IF (cpl(i)%negCount /= 2) THEN CYCLE END IF pair = cpl(i)%connectedAtoms IF (pair(1) == 0 .AND. pair(2) == 0 ) THEN !PRINT *, "Invalid bond CP" ELSE WRITE(98,*) pair(1),' ', i, ' ', pair(2) END IF END DO WRITE(98,*) "Connections between ring CP and cage CP" WRITE(98,*) "connection to -1 means the connected cage point is located in vacuum" WRITE(98,*) "connection to -2 means the connected cage point is not found" WRITE(98,*) "Connection 1 , ", " CP # , "," Connection 2" DO i=1,ucptnum IF (cpl(i)%negCount /= 1) THEN CYCLE END IF pair = cpl(i)%connectedAtoms IF (pair(1) == 0 .AND. pair(2) == 0 ) THEN !PRINT *, "Invalid bond CP" ELSE WRITE(98,*) pair(1),' ', i, ' ', pair(2) END IF END DO ! Not sure if we need the connectivity matrix !WRITE(98,*) "" !WRITE(98,*) "The connectivity matrix is" !DO i = 1,size(atom_connectivity,1) ! WRITE(98,*) atom_connectivity(i,:) !END DO CLOSE(98) END SUBROUTINE OutputNetwork FUNCTION CheckIsolatedAtom(cpl,ucptnum) TYPE(cpc),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cpl INTEGER :: i,j, ucptnum, connection_count LOGICAL :: CheckIsolatedAtom CheckIsolatedAtom = .TRUE. DO i = 1, ucptnum connection_count = 0 IF (cpl(i)%negCount == 3) THEN DO j = 1, ucptnum IF (cpl(j)%negCount == 2) THEN IF (ANY(cpl(j)%connectedAtoms == i)) connection_count = connection_count + 1 END IF END DO IF (connection_count < 1) THEN CheckIsolatedAtom = .FALSE. PRINT *, "ERROR: cp # ", i, "has no connection to any bond CP" END IF END IF END DO RETURN END FUNCTION CheckIsolatedAtom ! TRUE means there is no problem. FUNCTION CheckIsolatedRing(cpl,ucptnum) TYPE(cpc),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cpl INTEGER :: n, ucptnum LOGICAL :: CheckIsolatedRing, voidDweller CheckIsolatedRing = .TRUE. voidDweller = .FALSE. !if there are rings connecting to vacuum DO n=1,ucptnum IF (cpl(n)%negCount == 1) THEN IF (CheckIsolatedRing) THEN CYCLE ELSE CheckIsolatedRing = ALL(cpl(n)%connectedAtoms /= -2 ) .AND. ALL(cpl(n)%connectedAtoms /= 0) END IF IF (voidDweller) THEN CYCLE ELSE voidDweller = voidDweller .OR. ANY(cpl(n)%connectedAtoms == -1) END IF END IF END DO IF (voidDweller) PRINT *, "WARNING: at least one ring point is expected in the vacuum. & Examine the results carefully. This may be OK for non-crystaline system." RETURN END FUNCTION CheckIsolatedRing ! TRUE means there is no problem. FUNCTION CheckIsolatedCage(cpl,ucptnum) TYPE(cpc),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cpl INTEGER :: i, j, ucptnum, connection_count LOGICAL :: CheckIsolatedCage CheckIsolatedCage = .TRUE. DO i = 1, ucptnum connection_count = 0 IF (cpl(i)%negCount == 0) THEN DO j = 1, ucptnum IF (cpl(j)%negCount == 1) THEN IF (ANY(cpl(j)%connectedAtoms == i)) connection_count = connection_count + 1 END IF END DO IF (connection_count < 1) THEN CheckIsolatedCage = .FALSE. PRINT *, "ERROR: cp # ", i, "has no connection to any ring CPs" ! todo: check if it's connecting to a periodic self. END IF END IF END DO RETURN END FUNCTION CheckIsolatedCage ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE OutputCPRoster(cpRoster,setcount) REAL(q2), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: cpRoster CHARACTER(19) :: fileName INTEGER :: i,setcount WRITE(fileName,fmt='(a,i2.2,a)') TRIM ('TrajEndPoints'), setcount, TRIM('.dat') PRINT *, "Trajectory End Point Roster is written in file: ", fileName OPEN(98,FILE=fileName,STATUS='REPLACE',ACTION='WRITE') DO i=1,size(cpRoster,1) WRITE(98,*) cpRoster(i,:) END DO CLOSE(98) END SUBROUTINE OutputCPRoster ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE CPRosterAnalysis(cpl,ions, cproster, chg) TYPE(cpc), ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cpl TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: r, cp, nnp REAL(q2), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: cproster REAL(q2), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nearby LOGICAL, DIMENSION(size(cproster,1)) :: mask REAL(q2), DIMENSION(size(cproster,1)) :: distances INTEGER :: i,trajcount, ij,i1,i2,i3 REAL(q2) :: val, sumsq, StdDev, truedist REAL(q2), DIMENSION(size(cpl)) :: StdDevList trajcount = 0 DO ij = 1,size(cpl) cp = cpl(ij)%truer mask = .FALSE. DO i=1,size(cproster,1) r = cproster(i,:) val = Mag(r-cp) IF (val < 1.0) THEN mask(i) = .TRUE. END IF distances(i) = val END DO nearby = PACK(distances,mask) sumsq= 0 trajcount = trajcount + size(nearby) DO i =1, size(nearby) sumsq = sumsq + nearby(i)**2 END DO IF (size(nearby) == 0 ) THEN StdDev = 0.00 ELSE StdDev = SQRT(sumsq/(size(nearby)) ) END IF StdDevList(ij) = StdDev PRINT "(I5,A,es10.3,A,i5,A)", ij, ": StdDev is ", StdDev, " with ", size(nearby), " trajectories" ! PRINT *, cp IF (StdDev > 0.01) THEN PRINT *, "High Standard Deviation detected." PRINT *, " " END IF DEALLOCATE(nearby) END DO PRINT *, "Total Trajectories Used: ", trajcount DO ij = 1,size(cpl) cp = cpl(ij)%truer DO i=ij,size(cpl) IF (i /= ij) THEN truedist = Mag(cpl(i)%truer - cp) DO i1 = -1,1 DO i2 = -1,1 DO i3 = -1,1 IF (i1 == 0 .AND. i2 == 0 .AND. i3 == 0) CYCLE nnp = cp + (/i1 * chg%npts(1), i2 * chg%npts(2), i3 * chg%npts(3)/) truedist = MIN(truedist, Mag(cpl(i)%truer - nnp) ) END DO END DO END DO IF (truedist < 5) THEN PRINT "(A,i5,A,i5,A,es10.3)", "Distance between", ij, " and ", i, " is: ", truedist IF (cpl(ij)%negcount /= cpl(i)%negcount) THEN IF (cpl(ij)%negcount == 0) THEN PRINT "(i5,A)", ij," is of type: nuclear" ELSE IF (cpl(ij)%negcount == 1) THEN PRINT "(i5,A)", ij," is of type: bond" ELSE IF (cpl(ij)%negcount == 2) THEN PRINT "(i5,A)", ij, " is of type: ring" ELSE PRINT "(i5,A)", ij," is of type: cage" END IF IF (cpl(i)%negcount == 0) THEN PRINT "(i5,A)", i," is of type: nuclear" ELSE IF (cpl(i)%negcount == 1) THEN PRINT "(i5,A)", i," is of type: bond" ELSE IF (cpl(i)%negcount == 2) THEN PRINT "(i5,A)", i, " is of type: ring" ELSE PRINT "(i5,A)", i," is of type: cage" END IF PRINT *, " " END IF END IF END IF END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE CPRosterAnalysis ! get the distance between two points, considering that these two points can ! be neighbors across the periodic boundary ! The output distance is in cartesian FUNCTION GetPointDistance(p, pt, chg, nnlayer) REAL(q2) :: GetPointDistance, distance ! these are indices INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: p, pt INTEGER, DIMENSION( 3) :: nnp ! these are cartesian coordinates REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: r, rt REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: nnr TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg INTEGER :: nnlayer, i, j, k ! look for all equivalents of p within nnlayer, find the smallest distance rt = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,pt) r = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,p) GetPointDistance = Mag( r - rt) DO i = -nnlayer, nnlayer DO j = -nnlayer, nnlayer DO k = -nnlayer, nnlayer IF (i == 0.AND.j == 0.AND.k == 0) CYCLE nnp = p + (/i * chg%npts(1), j * chg%npts(2), k * chg%npts(3)/) nnr = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,nnp) distance = Mag( nnr - rt) GetPointDistance = MIN(GetPointDistance, distance) END DO END DO END DO RETURN END FUNCTION GetPointDistance ! This function takes two fractional lattice coordinate sets and produces ! the distance in cartesian FUNCTION GetPointDistanceR(p, pt, chg, nnlayer) REAL(q2) :: GetPointDistanceR, distance ! these are indices REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: p, pt INTEGER, DIMENSION( 3) :: nnp ! these are cartesian coordinates REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: r, rt REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: nnr TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg INTEGER :: nnlayer, i, j, k ! look for all equivalents of p within nnlayer, find the smallest distance rt = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,pt) r = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,p) GetPointDistanceR = Mag( r - rt) DO i = -nnlayer, nnlayer DO j = -nnlayer, nnlayer DO k = -nnlayer, nnlayer IF (i == 0.AND.j == 0.AND.k == 0) CYCLE nnp = p + (/REAL(i * chg%npts(1),q2), REAL(j * chg%npts(2),q2), & REAL(k * chg%npts(3),q2)/) nnr = MATMUL(chg%lat2car,nnp) distance = Mag( nnr - rt) GetPointDistanceR = MIN(GetPointDistanceR, distance) END DO END DO END DO RETURN END FUNCTION GetPointDistanceR ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE MakeCPRoster(cpr,cptnum,r) REAL(q2), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: cpr INTEGER :: cptnum REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: r cpr(cptnum,:) = r END SUBROUTINE MakeCPRoster !Stores every coordinate converged to, even if nonunique ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE MakeFullCPRoster(cpr,cptnum,r) REAL(q2), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: cpr INTEGER :: cptnum REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: r cpr(cptnum, :) = r END SUBROUTINE MakeFullCPRoster ! this function interpolates the gradient of a point. weight towards each nn ! is determined by its distance to that neighbor. FUNCTION R2GradInterpol(nnInd,r,chg,nnlayers) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: r, R2GradInterpol REAL(q2),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: weight REAL(q2) :: normalizer,distance INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: nnInd INTEGER :: nnlayers, i LOGICAL :: onGrid normalizer = 0 onGrid = .FALSE. ALLOCATE(weight(SIZE(nnInd)/3)) DO i = 1,SIZE(nnInd)/3 distance = GetPointDistanceR( & MATMUL(chg%lat2car,r),MATMUL(chg%lat2car,nnInd(i,:)) & ,chg,nnlayers) IF (distance == 0) THEN onGrid = .TRUE. EXIT END IF weight(i) = (1/distance )**2 normalizer = normalizer + weight(i) END DO IF (ongrid) THEN R2GradInterpol = CDGrad(nnind(i,:),chg) ELSE weight = weight / normalizer R2GradInterpol = 0 DO i = 1,SIZE(nnInd)/3 R2GradInterpol = R2GradInterpol + CDGrad(nnInd(i,:),chg) * weight(i) END DO END IF DEALLOCATE(weight) RETURN END FUNCTION R2GradInterpol !FUNCTION R2HesInterpol(nnInd,r,chg,nnLayers) FUNCTION R2HesInterpol(nnInd,r,chg) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: R2HesInterpol REAL(q2),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: weight REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: r REAL :: normalizer, distance INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: nnInd INTEGER :: nnlayers, i LOGICAL :: onGrid normalizer = 0 onGrid = .FALSE. ALLOCATE(weight(SIZE(nnInd)/3)) DO i = 1,SIZE(nnInd)/3 distance = GetPointDistanceR( & MATMUL(chg%lat2car,r),MATMUL(chg%lat2car,nnInd(i,:)) & ,chg,nnlayers) IF (distance == 0) THEN onGrid = .TRUE. EXIT END IF weight(i) = (1/distance)**2 normalizer = normalizer + weight(i) END DO IF (onGrid) THEN R2HesInterpol = CDHessian(nnInd(i,:),chg) ELSE weight = weight / normalizer R2HesInterpol = 0 DO i = 1,SIZE(nnInd)/3 R2HesInterpol = R2HesInterpol + CDHessian(nnInd(i,:),chg) * weight(i) END DO END IF DEALLOCATE(weight) RETURN END FUNCTION R2HesInterpol !FUNCTION R2RhoInterpol(nnInd,r,chg,nnLayers) FUNCTION R2RhoInterpol(nnInd,r,chg) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg REAL(q2),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: weight REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: r REAL :: normalizer, R2RhoInterpol, distance INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: nnInd INTEGER :: nnlayers, i LOGICAL :: onGrid normalizer = 0 onGrid = .FALSE. ALLOCATE(weight(SIZE(nnInd)/3)) DO i = 1,SIZE(nnInd)/3 distance = GetPointDistanceR( & MATMUL(chg%lat2car,r),MATMUL(chg%lat2car,nnInd(i,:)) & ,chg,nnlayers) IF (distance == 0) THEN onGrid = .TRUE. EXIT END IF weight(i) = (1/distance)**2 normalizer = normalizer + weight(i) END DO IF (onGrid) THEN R2RhoInterpol = rho_val(chg,nnind(i,1),nnind(i,2),nnind(i,3)) ELSE weight = weight / normalizer R2RhoInterpol = 0 DO i = 1,SIZE(nnInd)/3 R2RhoInterpol = R2RhoInterpol + rho_val(chg,nnind(i,1),nnind(i,2),& nnind(i,3)) * weight(i) END DO END IF DEALLOCATE(weight) RETURN END FUNCTION R2RhoInterpol ! updates the count on all types of CPs ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE UpDateCounts(negCount,ucpCounts) INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts INTEGER :: negCount IF (negCount == 3) THEN ucpCounts(1) = ucpCounts(1) + 1 ELSE IF (negCount == 2) THEN ucpCounts(2) = ucpCounts(2) + 1 ELSE IF (negCount == 1) THEN ucpCounts(3) = ucpCounts(3) + 1 ELSE ucpCounts(4) = ucpCounts(4) + 1 END IF END SUBROUTINE UpDateCounts ! This is a subroutine for debugging purpose. It takes all converged ! locations of all CP candidates, and outputs them. Bond CP are marked as He, ! Ring CP are marked as Ne, cage CP are marked as Ar. Nucleus are written as ! normal ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE VisAllCP(cpcl,cptnum,chg,ions,opts,& ucpCounts) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions TYPE(options_obj) :: opts TYPE(cpc),DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: cpcl !REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnGrad REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: r INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts INTEGER :: cptnum,n1,j CHARACTER(LEN=128) :: atoms, natoms OPEN(100,FILE=opts%chargefile,STATUS='old',ACTION='read',BLANK='null',PAD='yes') IF(opts%in_opt == opts%in_chgcar5) THEN DO n1 = 1, 5 READ(100,'(a)') END DO READ(100,'(a)') atoms READ(100,'(a)') natoms ELSE ! have to hope that somewhere in the CHGCAR elements are specified. READ(100,'(a)') atoms DO n1 = 1,4 READ(100,'(a)') ! skipping 1 line of scaling factor and 3 lines of lattice coordinates END DO READ(100,'(a)') natoms END IF CLOSE(100) ! Write header of allcpPOSCAR IF (opts%gradMode) THEN OPEN(11,FILE='allcpPOSCAR_GD',STATUS='REPLACE',ACTION='WRITE') ELSE OPEN(11,FILE='allcpPOSCAR_NM',STATUS='REPLACE',ACTION='WRITE') END IF IF (ucpCounts(4)>0) WRITE(11,'(a)',ADVANCE='NO') 'Ar ' IF (ucpCounts(3)>0) WRITE(11,'(a)',ADVANCE='NO') 'Ne ' IF (ucpCounts(2)>0) WRITE(11,'(a)',ADVANCE='NO') 'He ' WRITE(11,'(a)') TRIM(atoms) WRITE(11,*) ions%scalefactor WRITE(11,*) ' ',ions%lattice(1,:) WRITE(11,*) ' ',ions%lattice(2,:) WRITE(11,*) ' ',ions%lattice(3,:) IF (ucpCounts(4)>0) WRITE(11,'(a)',ADVANCE='NO') 'Ar ' IF (ucpCounts(3)>0) WRITE(11,'(a)',ADVANCE='NO') 'Ne ' IF (ucpCounts(2)>0) WRITE(11,'(a)',ADVANCE='NO') 'He ' WRITE(11,'(a)') TRIM(atoms) IF (ucpCounts(4)>0) WRITE(11,'(I4)',ADVANCE='NO') ucpCounts(4) IF (ucpCounts(3)>0) WRITE(11,'(I4)',ADVANCE='NO') ucpCounts(3) IF (ucpCounts(2)>0) WRITE(11,'(I4)',ADVANCE='NO') ucpCounts(2) WRITE(11,'(a)') TRIM(natoms) WRITE(11,'(a)') 'Cartesian' ! Loop three times, each time writes out one type of CP DO j = 0, 2 DO n1 = 1, cptnum IF (.NOT.cpcl(n1)%isunique) CYCLE IF (cpcl(n1)%negCount == j) THEN ! Because lattice starts at 1 1 1 but cartesian starts at 0 0 0 r(1) = cpcl(n1)%trueR(1) - 1 r(2) = cpcl(n1)%trueR(2) - 1 r(3) = cpcl(n1)%trueR(3) - 1 WRITE(11,*) MATMUL(chg%lat2car,r) ! WRITE(11,*) MATMUL(chg%lat2car,cpcl(n1)%trueR) ! dir(1) = cpcl(n1)%trueR(1)/chg%npts(1) ! dir(2) = cpcl(n1)%trueR(2)/chg%npts(2) ! dir(3) = cpcl(n1)%trueR(3)/chg%npts(3) END IF END DO END DO PRINT *, 'writting atomic locations' DO j = 1, ions%nions WRITE(11,*) ions%r_car(j,:) END DO CLOSE(11) END SUBROUTINE VisAllCP ! This subroutine tracks steps in up to the past 10 steps. If the next step is ! identical to one taken before, it gives the location when repeat is ! detected ! it could also give averaged location of the past ! 10 steps in ther future, given treatments to PBC. ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE DetectCircling(stepCount,rList,temList,trueR,nextTem,averageR,LDM,ind) REAL(q2),DIMENSION(10,3) :: rList,temList REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: trueR,nextTem,averageR INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: ind INTEGER :: stepCount,i,j LOGICAL :: isRunningCircles,LDM ! establish lists if stepCount is low isRunningCircles = .FALSE. IF ( stepCount <= 10 ) THEN rList(stepCount,:) = trueR temList(stepCount,:) = nextTem ELSE ! update lists DO i = 1, 9 rList(i,:) = rList(i+1,:) temList(i,:) = temList(i+1,:) END DO rList(10,:) = trueR temList(10,:) = nextTem ! Detect if tem has repeated after 10 steps outer: DO i = 1, 10 DO j = 1, 10 IF ( j == i ) CYCLE IF (ALL(temList(i,:) == temList(j,:),1) ) THEN IF (Mag(temList(j,:))== 1.) CYCLE isRunningCircles = .TRUE. EXIT outer END IF END DO END DO outer IF (isRunningCircles) THEN IF (LDM) THEN PRINT *, "De Bugger: Circling Detected" PRINT *, 'This trajetory initiated at ', ind PRINT *, "The past ten tems are" DO j = 1, 10 PRINT *, temList(j,:) END DO PRINT *, "The past ten trueR are" DO j = 1, 10 PRINT *, rList(j,:) END DO END IF averageR = 0. averageR = trueR ! need to figure out how to deal with PBC first ! DO i = 1,10 ! averageR = averageR + rList(i,:) ! END DO ! averageR = averageR/10 END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE DetectCircling ! This subroutine looks for critical points in the list that is too close to ! another, and averages the same types into one to remove duplicate critical ! points. ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE ReduceCP(cpl,opts,ucptnum,chg,ucpCounts, & isReduced,LDM_RecordCPRLight,LDM,isReducible) TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cpl,rcpl TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(options_obj) :: opts REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: avgR INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts,rcpCounts INTEGER :: uCPTNum INTEGER :: i,j, nUCPTNum, weight, dupCount LOGICAL :: isReduced,LDM_RecordCPRLight,LDM, switch, isReducible IF (LDM) PRINT *, 'Checking for duplicate CP' isReduced = .TRUE. dupCount = 0 rcpCounts = 0 ! Give the reduced list same length as before, it's ok if a little goes to ! waste ALLOCATE(rcpl(SIZE(cpl))) ! start from a critical point. loop through the entire list, look for ! another entry nUCPTNum = 0 OUTER: DO i = 1, ucptnum ! check if this point is already determined as a proxy to some other ! point before weight = 1 avgR = cpl(i)%truer switch = .TRUE. IF (cpl(i)%hasProxy ) THEN CYCLE END IF DO j = i, ucptnum ! Periodic boundary condition will come to haunt me, periodically. IF (j == i) CYCLE IF ( Mag(cpl(i)%truer - cpl(j)%truer) .LE. opts%cp_min_distance ) THEN cpl(j)%hasProxy = .TRUE. avgR = (avgR * weight + cpl(j)%truer )/(weight + 1) weight = weight + 1 dupCount = dupCount + 1 ! The two CP should be the same type! IF (cpl(i)%negCount /= cpl(j)%negCount) THEN IF (cpl(i)%negCount == 3) CYCLE !Skip validating maxima. IF (cpl(j)%negCount == 3) CYCLE !ascension is bugged. ! it some times go to bond CP IF (switch) THEN PRINT *,'ERROR: TWO TYPES OF CP ARE TOO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER.' PRINT *, 'The CPs ',i, j, 'have number of negative eigenvalues: ',cpl(i)%negCount, cpl(j)%negCount PRINT *, ''//achar(27)//'[31m STOPPING. NO MORE CP WILL BE OUTPUT.'//achar(27)//'[0m' switch = .FALSE. isReducible = .FALSE. isReduced = .FALSE. IF (.NOT. opts%ignore_cp_conflict) THEN EXIT OUTER END IF END IF END IF isReduced = .FALSE. END IF END DO nUCPTNum = nUCPTNum + 1 ! record the reduced CP CALL RecordCPRLight(avgR,chg,rcpl,nUCPTnum, rcpCounts, & cpl(i)%ind,.FALSE.) END DO OUTER CALL ReplaceCPL(cpl,rcpl) DO i = 1, SIZE(cpl) cpl(i)%isUnique = .TRUE. END DO ucpCounts = rcpCounts ucptnum = nUCPTnum IF (LDM) PRINT *, 'The number of duplicate CP found is', dupcount DEALLOCATE(rcpl) END SUBROUTINE ReduceCP SUBROUTINE ReduceCPStatic(cp_static,ucptnum,ucpCounts,isReduced,opts) TYPE(cpc), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: cp_static, reduced_cp_static TYPE(options_obj) :: opts INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts, reduced_ucpCounts INTEGER :: ucptnum, reduced_ucptnum, i, j, weight, dupCount REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3) :: avg_r LOGICAL :: isReduced isReduced = .TRUE. dupCount = 0 reduced_ucpCounts = 0 ! Give the reduced list same length as before, it's ok if a little goes to ! waste ALLOCATE(reduced_cp_static(ucptnum)) ! start from a critical point. loop through the entire list, look for ! another entry reduced_ucptnum = 0 DO i = 1, ucptnum ! check if this point is already determined as a proxy to some other ! point before cp_static(i)%weight = 1 avg_r = cp_static(i)%truer IF (cp_static(i)%hasProxy ) THEN CYCLE END IF DO j = i, ucptnum ! Periodic boundary condition will come to haunt me, periodically. IF (j == i) CYCLE IF ( Mag(cp_static(i)%truer - cp_static(j)%truer) .LE. opts%cp_min_distance ) THEN cp_static(j)%hasProxy = .TRUE. avg_r = (avg_r * cp_static(i)%weight + cp_static(j)%truer )/(cp_static(i)%weight + 1) cp_static(i)%weight = cp_static(i)%weight + 1 dupCount = dupCount + 1 ! The two CP should be the same type! IF (cp_static(i)%negCount /= cp_static(j)%negCount) THEN IF (cp_static(i)%negCount == 3) CYCLE !Skip validating maxima. IF (cp_static(j)%negCount == 3) CYCLE !ascension is bugged. ! it some times go to bond CP PRINT *,'ERROR: TWO TYPES OF CP ARE TOO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER' END IF isReduced = .FALSE. END IF END DO reduced_ucptnum = reduced_ucptnum + 1 ! record the reduced CP CALL RecordCPStatic(i, cp_static, reduced_cp_static, reduced_ucptnum, reduced_ucpCounts) END DO CALL ReplaceCPL(cp_static,reduced_cp_static) DO i = 1, reduced_ucptnum cp_static(i)%isUnique = .TRUE. END DO ucpCounts = reduced_ucpCounts ucptnum = reduced_ucptnum DEALLOCATE(reduced_cp_static) END SUBROUTINE ReduceCPStatic ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE ReplaceCPL(replacee,replacer) TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: replacee,replacer INTEGER :: i DEALLOCATE (replacee) ALLOCATE (replacee(SIZE(replacer))) DO i = 1, SIZE(replacer) replacee(i) = replacer(i) END DO END SUBROUTINE ReplaceCPL ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE ResizeCPL(cpl,newSize) TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) ::cpl,newcpl INTEGER :: newSize, i, oldSize ALLOCATE (newcpl(newSize)) oldSize = SIZE(cpl) DO i = 1, oldSize newcpl(i) = cpl(i) END DO DEALLOCATE (cpl) ALLOCATE (cpl(newSize)) DO i = 1, oldSize cpl(i) = newcpl(i) END DO DEALLOCATE (newCPL) END SUBROUTINE ResizeCPL ! takes in coordinates, gives out interpolated Hessian using central ! difference ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION CDHessianR(r,chg) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8,3,3) :: nnhes REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: CDHessianR REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: r, distance INTEGER,DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnind INTEGER :: i nnind = SimpleNN(r,chg) distance = r - nnind(1,:) DO i = 1,8 nnHes(i,:,:) = CDHessian(nnind(i,:),chg) END DO !row find the nearest neighbors at this new locaiton !first update critical point location !the next big step is to interpolate the force at predicted critical !point. CDHessianR = trilinear_interpol_hes(nnHes,distance) IF ( GetHessianMag(CDHessianR) < 0.000000001) THEN PRINT *, "WARNING, zero Hessian matrix at ", r END IF RETURN END FUNCTION CDHessianR ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION CDGradR(r,chg) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnGrad REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: CDGradR REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: r, distance INTEGER,DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnind INTEGER :: i nnind = SimpleNN(r,chg) distance = r - nnind(1,:) DO i = 1,8 nnGrad(i,:) = CDGrad(nnind(i,:),chg) END DO !row find the nearest neighbors at this new locaiton !first update critical point location !the next big step is to interpolate the force at predicted critical !point. CDGradR = trilinear_interpol_grad(nnGrad,distance) RETURN END FUNCTION CDGradR ! This subroutine takes in two cartesian coordinates, draw a line in between ! with given interval, output charge density, gradient, hessian, tem into ! seperate debug files, and terminates program at the end of this function. SUBROUTINE DebugLine(iP,fP,iS,chg) ! iP is initial Point, fP is final Point, iS is interval Size TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8,3,3) :: nnHes REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnGrad REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: hes REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: p, iP, fP, sZ ! sZ is the acutal step size REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: grad, distance ! sZ should be slightly different from iS due to rounding REAL(q2) :: iS, rho INTEGER,DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnind INTEGER :: sN ! step number INTEGER :: i, j OPEN(50,FILE='debug_line_charge.dat',STATUS='REPLACE',ACTION='WRITE') OPEN(51,FILE='debug_line_gradient_cart.dat',STATUS='REPLACE',ACTION='WRITE') OPEN(52,FILE='debug_line_hessian_cart.dat',STATUS='REPLACE',ACTION='WRITE') OPEN(53,FILE='debug_line_rhograd_cart.dat',STATUS='REPLACE',ACTION='WRITE') sN = CEILING( Mag( fP - iP ) / iS ) sZ = ( fP - iP ) / sN DO i = 0, sN p = iP + i * sZ ! This is in cartesian PRINT *, 'Position in cartesian is' PRINT *, p p = MATMUL(chg%car2lat,p) ! Now it's in lattice PRINT *, 'Position in lattie is' PRINT *, p CALL pbc_r_lat(p,chg%npts) grad = rho_grad(chg,p,rho) rho = rho WRITE (53,*) grad PRINT *, "cartesian grad from rho_grad is " PRINT *, grad nnind = SimpleNN(p,chg) distance = p - nnind(1,:) DO j = 1,8 nngrad(j,:) = CDGrad(nnind(j,:),chg) nnhes(j,:,:) = CDHessian(nnind(j,:),chg) END DO grad = trilinear_interpol_grad(nnGrad,distance) ! val r interpol PRINT *, 'cartesian grad from this mod is' PRINT *, grad hes = trilinear_interpol_hes(nnHes,distance) WRITE (50,*) rho PRINT *, 'rho is ', rho WRITE (51,*) grad grad = MATMUL(grad,chg%lat2car) PRINT *, 'lattice grad from this mod is ' PRINT *, grad WRITE (52,*) hes(1,:) WRITE (52,*) hes(2,:) WRITE (52,*) hes(3,:) PRINT *, 'hes is' PRINT *, hes(1,:) PRINT *, hes(2,:) PRINT *, hes(3,:) END DO CLOSE(50) CLOSE(51) CLOSE(52) CLOSE(53) END SUBROUTINE ! This subroutines takes lattice ranges and output on lattice rho, gradient ! and hessian. SUBROUTINE DebugRGHLat(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,chg) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: hes REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: grad INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: lat INTEGER :: xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax,i,j,k DO i = xmin,xmax DO j = ymin,ymax DO k = zmin,zmax lat=(/i,j,k/) PRINT *, 'lattice point is ' PRINT *, lat PRINT *, 'cartesian point is' PRINT *, MATMUL(chg%lat2car,lat) PRINT *, 'gradient in cartesian units is' grad = CDGrad(lat,chg) hes = CDHessian(lat,chg) PRINT *, grad PRINT *, 'gradient in cartesian is' PRINT *, MATMUL(chg%lat2car,grad) PRINT *, 'hessian in cartesian is' PRINT *, hes(1,:) PRINT *, hes(2,:) PRINT *, hes(3,:) PRINT *, 'hessian in lattice units is' hes = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(chg%lat2car),MATMUL(hes,chg%lat2car)) PRINT *, hes(1,:) PRINT *, hes(2,:) PRINT *, hes(3,:) END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE DiagonalOnlyHes(hes) REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3,3) :: hes hes(1,2) = 0 hes(1,3) = 0 hes(2,3) = 0 hes(2,1) = 0 hes(3,2) = 0 hes(3,1) = 0 END SUBROUTINE ! This subroutine finds out which point leads to finding of a critical point ! This function calculates TEM for a grid point ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION CalcTEMGrid(p,chg,grad,hessianMatrix) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: p REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: hessianMatrix REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: grad,CalcTEMGrid grad = CDGrad(p,chg) hessianMatrix = CDHessian(p,chg) CalcTEMGrid = - MATMUL(INVERSE(hessianMatrix),grad) CalcTEMGrid = MATMUL(chg%car2lat,CalcTEMGrid) RETURN END FUNCTION CalcTEMGrid ! This function will not work if calculating TEM at a grid point. ! USED IN THIS MODULE FUNCTION CalcTEMLat(trueR,chg,temScale,previousTEM,grad, & temNormCap,LDM) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg INTEGER,DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnind INTEGER :: j REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8,3,3) :: nnHes REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnGrad REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: hessianMatrix REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: temScale,previousTEM,CalcTEMLat,grad& ,distance,trueR REAL(q2) :: temNormCap LOGICAL :: LDM nnInd = SimpleNN(trueR,chg) IF (LDM) THEN PRINT *, "Inside CalcTEMLat" PRINT *, "At point " PRINT *, trueR PRINT *, "nnInd are" DO j = 1,8 PRINT *, nnInd(j,:) END DO END IF distance = truer - nnind(1,:) DO j = 1,8 nngrad(j,:) = CDGrad(nnind(j,:),chg) hessianMatrix = CDHessian(nnind(j,:),chg) nnHes(j,:,:) = hessianMatrix END DO grad = trilinear_interpol_grad(nnGrad,distance) ! val r interpol hessianMatrix = trilinear_interpol_hes(nnHes,distance) IF (LDM) THEN PRINT *, "CalcTEMLat Calculated grad is" PRINT *, grad PRINT *, "CalcTEMLat HessianMatrix is" PRINT *, hessianMatrix(1,:) PRINT *, hessianMatrix(2,:) PRINT *, hessianMatrix(3,:) !PRINT *, "All components in nnHes are" !DO j=1,8 ! PRINT *, j ! PRINT *, nnHes(j,1,:) ! PRINT *, nnHes(j,2,:) ! PRINT *, nnHes(j,3,:) !END DO !PRINT *, "Distance is" !PRINT *, distance END IF CalcTEMLat = - MATMUL(inverse(hessianMatrix),grad) IF (LDM) THEN PRINT *, "CalcTEMLat Preconversion TEM is" PRINT *, CalcTEMLat PRINT *, - MATMUL(inverse(hessianMatrix),grad) PRINT *, "Grad used here is" PRINT *, grad PRINT *, "Hessian used here is" PRINT *, hessianMatrix PRINT *, "for TemMods, temScale, temNormCap are" PRINT *, temScale PRINT *, temNormCap END IF CalcTEMLat = MATMUL(chg%car2lat,CalcTEMLat) CalcTEMLat = TemMods(CalcTEMLat,temScale,temNormCap) temScale = scaleinspector(CalcTEMLat, previousTEM, temScale) IF (LDM) THEN PRINT *, "CalcTEMLat after car2lat is " PRINT *, MATMUL(chg%car2lat,- MATMUL(inverse(hessianMatrix),grad)) PRINT *, "CalcTEMLat Postconversion TEM is" PRINT *, CalcTEMLat PRINT *, "Leaving CalcTEMLat" END IF RETURN END FUNCTION CalcTEMLat ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE GetDebugFlags(opts,LDM,LDM_DetectCircling,& LDM_ReduceCP,LDM_DensityDescend,LDM_RecordCPRLight,& LDM_NRTFGP,LDM_CalcTEMLat,LDM_RecordCPR,LDM_GradMagGrad,LDM_RingAscend,LDM_Trajectories) TYPE(options_obj) :: opts CHARACTER(128) :: debugFlags INTEGER :: ios LOGICAL :: HCF,LDM ! has config file, local debug mode LOGICAL :: LDM_RecordCPRLight, LDM_NRTFGP LOGICAL :: LDM_DetectCircling, LDM_ReduceCP, LDM_DensityDescend LOGICAL :: LDM_CalcTEMLat,LDM_RecordCPR, LDM_GradMagGrad,LDM_RingAscend,LDM_Trajectories LDM = .FALSE. LDM_DetectCircling = .FALSE. LDM_ReduceCP = .FALSE. LDM_DensityDescend = .FALSE. LDM_RecordCPRLight = .FALSE. LDM_GradMagGrad = .FALSE. LDM_RingAscend = .FALSE. LDM_Trajectories = .FALSE. LDM_RecordCPR = .FALSE. LDM_CalcTEMLat = .FALSE. LDM_NRTFGP = .FALSE. INQUIRE(FILE="debugConfig",EXIST=HCF) IF (HCF) THEN OPEN(60,FILE="debugConfig",STATUS='old',ACTION='read',BLANK='null',PAD='yes') DO READ(60, '(a)',IOSTAT=ios) debugFlags IF (debugFlags == "critpoint_find") THEN LDM = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging SUBROUTINE critpoint_find" END IF IF (debugFlags == "DetectCircling") THEN LDM_DetectCircling = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging SUBROUTINE DetectCircling" END IF IF (debugFlags == "ReduceCP") THEN LDM_ReduceCP = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging SUBROUTINE ReduceCP" END IF IF (debugFlags == "DensityDescend") THEN LDM_DensityDescend = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging SUBROUTINE DensityDescend" END IF IF (debugFlags == "RecordCPRLight") THEN LDM_RecordCPRLight = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging SUBROUTINE RecordCPRLight" END IF IF (debugFlags == "NRTFGP") THEN LDM_NRTFGP = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging SUBROUTINE NRTFGP" END IF IF (debugFlags == "CalcTEMLat") THEN LDM_CalcTEMLat = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging SUBROUTINE CalcTEMLat" END IF IF (debugFlags == "RecordCPR") THEN LDM_RecordCPR = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging SUBROUTINE RecordCPR" END IF IF (debugFlags == "GradMagGrad") THEN LDM_GradMagGrad = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging SUBROUTINE GradientDescend" END IF IF (debugFlags == "RingAscend") THEN LDM_RingAscend = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging SUBROUTINE RingAscension" END IF IF (debugFlags == "Trajectories") THEN LDM_Trajectories = .TRUE. PRINT *, "De Bugger: Debugging Trajectories (FUNCTIONs CPRosterAnalysis, OutputCPRoster)" END IF IF (ios/=0) EXIT END DO CLOSE(60) ELSE PRINT *, "ERROR : in debug mode but debugConfig file was not found!" END IF END SUBROUTINE GetDebugFlags ! Finishes a Newton Rhapson trajectory from point ind ! trueR is the output converged point ! isUnique shows if the trajectory converged ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE NRTFGP(bdr,chg,opts,trueR,& isUnique,r,ind,stepMax) ! is r used? TYPE(bader_obj) :: bdr TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(options_obj) :: opts INTEGER,DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnInd INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: tempR,ind INTEGER :: stepCount,AverageCount,j,stepMax REAL(q2),DIMENSION(10,3) :: temList,rList REAL(q2),DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnGrad REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: grad,averageR,trueR,nexttem,previoustem,& prevGrad,distance,temScale,temCap,r,indR REAL(q2) :: temNormCap LOGICAL :: isUnique LOGICAL :: LDM,LDM_detectCircling LDM = .FALSE. LDM_detectCircling = .FALSE. isUnique = .FALSE. temcap = (/1.,1.,1./) temScale = (/1.,1.,1./) temNormCap = 1. stepCount = 1 averageCount = 0 averageR = (/-1.,-1.,-1./) indR(1) = REAL(ind(1),q2) indR(2) = REAL(ind(2),q2) indR(3) = REAL(ind(3),q2) nnInd = SimpleNN(indR,chg) ! get gradients " of all nearest neighbors DO j = 1, 8 nngrad(j,:) = CDGrad(nnInd,chg) END DO previoustem = CalcTEMLat(trueR,chg,temScale,previousTEM,grad,temNormCap,& LDM) ! Now start newton method iterations ! First step trueR = ind + previoustem CALL pbc_r_lat(trueR,chg%npts) ! All the rest of the steps DO stepcount = 1,stepMax IF (LDM) PRINT *, "This is step ",stepCount IF (stepcount >= 1) THEN prevgrad = grad END IF CALL pbc_r_lat(truer,chg%npts) nnind = SimpleNN(truer,chg) distance = truer - nnind(1,:) nexttem = CalcTEMLat(trueR,chg,temScale,previousTEM,grad,temNormCap,& LDM) !grad = R2GradInterpol(nnind,truer,chg,nnLayers) IF (ABS(grad(1)) <= 0.1*opts%par_gradfloor .AND. & ABS(grad(2)) <= 0.1*opts%par_gradfloor .AND. & ABS(grad(3)) <= 0.1*opts%par_gradfloor) THEN isunique = .TRUE. EXIT END IF CALL DetectCircling(stepCount,rList,temList,trueR,nextTem,averageR, & LDM_DetectCircling,ind) IF (ALL(averageR /= -1.,1)) THEN !cpcl(i)%isUnique = .TRUE. trueR = averageR ! the following code is temporary. it disables averaging. ! upon seeing averaging, this trajectory is marked unusable. isUnique = .FALSE. EXIT END IF previoustem = nexttem tempr(1) = NINT(truer(1)) tempr(2) = NINT(truer(2)) tempr(3) = NINT(truer(3)) CALL pbc(tempr,chg%npts) IF (bdr%volnum(tempr(1), & tempr(2),tempr(3)) == bdr%bnum + 1) THEN ! We are heading into the vacuum space, cosmonaughts! isunique = .FALSE. EXIT END IF IF ( ABS(nexttem(1)) .LE. 0.1*opts%par_newtonr .AND. & ABS(nexttem(2)) .LE. 0.1*opts%par_newtonr .AND. & ABS(nexttem(3)) .LE. 0.1*opts%par_newtonr ) THEN isUnique = .TRUE. EXIT END IF truer = truer + nexttem END DO truer = truer + nexttem ! this keeps track the total movement CALL pbc_r_lat(truer,chg%npts) END SUBROUTINE NRTFGP ! USED IN THIS MODULE ! Follow the charge density on grid points down to local minimums FUNCTION DensityDescend(chg,bdr,opts,p) TYPE(bader_obj) :: bdr TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(options_obj) :: opts INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: p,pn INTEGER :: n1,n2,n3 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: hessianMatrix REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: r,grad,DensityDescend LOGICAL :: isUnique,minimized minimized = .FALSE. DO WHILE (.NOT. minimized) outer: DO n1 = -1 , 1 DO n2 = -1 , 1 DO n3 = -1 , 1 pn = p + (/n1,n2,n3/) IF ( rho_val(chg,pn(1),pn(2),pn(3)) < rho_val(chg,p(1),p(2),p(3)) ) THEN minimized = .FALSE. p = pn CALL pbc(p,chg%npts) EXIT outer ELSE minimized = .TRUE. END IF END DO END DO END DO outer END DO ! Need to obtain initial grad at the grid point and tem r = CalcTEMGrid(p,chg,grad,hessianMatrix) CALL NRTFGP(bdr,chg,opts,DensityDescend,& isUnique,r,p,1000) ! note: what if NRTFGP gets carried away? RETURN END FUNCTION DensityDescend SUBROUTINE DensityDescendAndRecord(chg,bdr,opts,p,cpl,UCPTnum, ucpCounts, & noRecording ) TYPE(bader_obj) :: bdr TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(cpc),ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:) :: cpl TYPE(options_obj) :: opts INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: ucpCounts INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: p,pn,trueInd INTEGER :: n1,n2,n3 INTEGER :: UCPTnum, stepCount INTEGER :: uCCbefore,uCCafter !cage count before and after REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: hessianMatrix REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: trueR,r,grad REAL(q2) :: current_rho, test_rho LOGICAL :: isUnique, minimized, noRecording minimized = .FALSE. stepCount = 0 current_rho = chg%rho(p(1),p(2),p(3)) DO WHILE (.NOT. minimized) OUTER: DO n1 = -1 , 1 DO n2 = -1 , 1 DO n3 = -1 , 1 stepCount = stepCount + 1 pn = p + (/n1,n2,n3/) CALL pbc(pn,chg%npts) test_rho = chg%rho(pn(1),pn(2),pn(3)) IF (test_rho < current_rho) THEN !IF ( rho_val(chg,pn(1),pn(2),pn(3)) < rho_val(chg,p(1),p(2),p(3)) ) THEN current_rho = test_rho p = pn EXIT OUTER ELSE minimized = .TRUE. END IF END DO END DO END DO OUTER END DO ! Need to obtain initial grad at the grid point and tem !r = CalcTEMGrid(p,chg,grad,hessianMatrix) !CALL NRTFGP(bdr,chg,opts,trueR,& ! isUnique,r,p,& ! 1000) !! note: what if NRTFGP gets carried away? !IF (ABS(trueR(1) - p(1)) > 1 .OR. ABS(trueR(2) - p(2)) > 1 .OR. & ! ABS(trueR(3) - p(3)) > 1) THEN ! trueR = p ! !PRINT *, "Please report bug that DensityDescend wondered off. The distance is " ! !PRINT *, SQRT((trueR(1) - p(1))**2 + (trueR(2) - p(2))**2 + (trueR(3) - p(3))**2) !END IF !trueInd(:) = NINT(trueR(:)) trueR = p IF (noRecording) THEN ! trueR is what we are after ELSEIF (bdr%volnum(p(1),p(2),p(3) ) == bdr%bnum + 1) THEN ! Density descend went into the vacuum. DO NOTHING. ELSE UCPTnum = UCPTnum + 1 uCCbefore = ucpCounts(4) CALL RecordDensityDescendCage(p,cpl,ucptnum,ucpCounts,chg) !CALL RecordCPRLight(trueR,chg,cpl,UCPTnum, ucpCounts, & ! trueInd, .FALSE.) uCCafter = ucpCounts(4) END IF IF (uCCbefore == uCCafter .AND. .FALSE. ) THEN PRINT *, "ERROR :: Density descend found a cage point that did not & produce three positive eigenvalues!" PRINT *, "The found cage point is at ", trueR END IF ! To catch cages that does not produce three positive eigenvalues: END SUBROUTINE DensityDescendAndRecord ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE PrintNeighborCharges(p,chg) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: p INTEGER :: i,j,k PRINT *, "Printing charges of all neighbors at " PRINT *, p, rho_val(chg,p(1),p(2),p(3)) DO i = 1, 3 DO j = 1,3 DO k = 1,3 IF ( i == 0 .AND. j == 0 .AND. k == 0) THEN CYCLE END IF PRINT *, rho_val(chg,p(1)+i,p(1)+j,p(1)+k) END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE PrintNeighborCharges FUNCTION trace(mat3x3) REAL(q2) :: trace REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: mat3x3 trace = mat3x3(1,1) + mat3x3(2,2) + mat3x3(3,3) END FUNCTION ! Find the eigenvalues by finding roots to the characteristic polynomial SUBROUTINE EigvalCharPoly(hessianMatrix,eigvals,eigvecs) ! characteristic polynomial of a 3x3 matrix is ! ! P3(x) = 1/6 * (trace(A)**3 + 2 trace(A**3) - 3 trace (A) trace(A**2) - ! 1/2 * (trace(A)**2 - trace(A**2))x + trace(A)x**2 - x**3 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3,3) :: hessianMatrix, eigvecs, hessianMatrix2 REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: eigvals REAL(q2) :: a,b,c,d !coefficients for the characteristic polynomial REAL(q2) :: b23c ! -b**2 - 3*c COMPLEX :: cabbage ! or junk or crap etc. COMPLEX :: cabbage1, cabbage2,cabbage3 COMPLEX :: top1,bot1,top2,bot2 COMPLEX :: eigval1,eigval2,eigval3 a = -1 b = trace(hessianMatrix) hessianMatrix2 = MATMUL(hessianMatrix,hessianMatrix) c = -(0.5 * (trace(hessianMatrix)**2 - & trace(hessianMatrix2))) d = (1./6.) * (trace(hessianMatrix)**3 + & 2. * trace(MATMUL(MATMUL(hessianMatrix,hessianMatrix),hessianMatrix))& - 3. * trace(hessianMatrix) * trace(MATMUL(hessianMatrix,hessianMatrix)) ) ! since a is -1, a is already subsituted in for roots b23c = -b**2. - 3.*c !PRINT *, "b23c is ", b23c cabbage1 = -2.*(b**3) - (9.*b*c) - (27.*d) cabbage2 = -b**2. * c**2. - 4.*c**3. +4.*b**3 * d + & 18.*b*c*d + 27.*d**2 !PRINT *, "cabbage1 is ", cabbage1 !PRINT *, "cabbage2 is ", cabbage2 cabbage3 = 3. * SQRT(3.) * SQRT(cabbage2) !PRINT *, "cabbage3 is ", cabbage3 cabbage = (cabbage1 + cabbage3)**(1./3.) !PRINT *, "cabbage is ", cabbage top1 = 2.**(1./3.)*b23c bot1 = 3*cabbage top2 = cabbage bot2 = 3.*2.**(1./3.) eigval1 = b/3. + top1/bot1 - top2/bot2 !PRINT *, "eigval1 is ", eigval1 top1 = (1 + CMPLX(0,SQRT(3.)))*(b23c) bot1 = 3.*2.**(2./3.) * cabbage top2 = (1-CMPLX(0,SQRT(3.)))*cabbage bot2 = 6.*2.**(1./3.) eigval2 = b/3. - top1/bot1 + top2/bot2 !PRINT *, "eigval2 is ", eigval2 top1 = (1 - CMPLX(0,SQRT(3.)))*b23c bot1 = 3.*2.**(2./3.)*cabbage top2 = (1 + CMPLX(0,SQRT(3.)))*cabbage bot2 = 6.*2.**(1./3.) eigval3 = b/3. - top1/bot1 + top2/bot2 !PRINT *, "eigval3 is ", eigval3 eigvals(1) = REAL(eigval1) eigvals(2) = REAL(eigval2) eigvals(3) = REAL(eigval3) !PRINT *, "eigvals are" !PRINT *, eigvals END SUBROUTINE ! This subroutine aims at reducing the bips and bumps in a CHGCAR by ! averaging it. ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE SmoothenCHGCAR(chg,avgMode,ions,opts) TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(ions_obj) :: ions TYPE(options_obj) :: opts REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: rcar REAL(q2) :: sumChg, r, rmin, weight INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: p,pp,rlat INTEGER :: n1,n2,n3,i,j,k INTEGER :: avgMode, ios INTEGER :: counter CHARACTER(128) :: line ! These code will be in debug mode in the future ! first write the headder of CHGCAR from CHGCAR !OPEN(55,FILE='aflow.CHGCAR_sum',STATUS='old',ACTION='read',BLANK='null',PAD='yes') OPEN(55,FILE=opts%chargefile,STATUS='old',ACTION='read',BLANK='null',PAD='yes') OPEN(56,FILE='smoothenedCHGCAR_sum',STATUS='REPLACE',ACTION='WRITE') counter = 0 ! need to differentiate format. DO IF(opts%in_opt == opts%in_chgcar5) THEN IF (counter == 10 + ions%nions) EXIT ELSE IF (counter == 9 + ions%nions) EXIT END IF READ(55, '(A)',IOSTAT=ios) line WRITE(56,'(A)') TRIM(line) ! CHGCAR has 7 + #atoms + 2 lines before getting into charge densities IF (ios/=0) EXIT counter = counter + 1 END DO CLOSE(55) ! mode: ! 1: simple average of 26 neighbors ! 2: weighted average. weight is 1/r where r is distance in cartesian. ! the cell itself has weight equal to 4/r of the smallest r. ! 3: simple average of all neighbors -2 to +2 on all axis ! 99: debug mode. simply write out chgcar again avgMode = 1 !newchg = chg counter = 0 DO n1 = 1, chg%npts(1) DO n2 = 1, chg%npts(2) DO n3 = 1, chg%npts(3) p(1) = n1 p(2) = n2 p(3) = n3 IF (avgMode == 2) THEN sumChg = 0 weight = 0 ELSE sumChg = rho_val(chg,n1,n2,n3) END IF rmin = 99999. IF (avgMode == 1 .OR. avgMode == 2) THEN DO i = -1,1 DO j = -1,1 DO k = -1,1 IF (i == 0 .AND. j == 0 .AND. k == 0) CYCLE pp(1) = n1 + i pp(2) = n2 + j pp(3) = n3 + k CALL pbc(pp,chg%npts) IF (avgMode == 1) THEN sumChg = sumChg + rho_val(chg,pp(1),pp(2),pp(3)) ELSE IF (avgMode == 2) THEN rlat(1) = i rlat(2) = j rlat(3) = k rcar = MATMUL(rlat,ions%lattice) r = SQRT(rcar(1)**2 + rcar(2)**2 + rcar(3)**2) IF (rmin < r ) rmin = r sumChg = sumChg + 1/r * rho_val(chg,pp(1),pp(2),pp(3)) weight = weight + 1/r END IF END DO END DO END DO ELSE IF (avgMode == 3) THEN DO i = -2,2 DO j = -2,2 DO k = -2,2 IF (i == 0 .AND. j == 0 .AND. k == 0) CYCLE pp(1) = n1 + i pp(2) = n2 + j pp(3) = n3 + k CALL pbc(pp,chg%npts) sumChg = sumChg + rho_val(chg,pp(1),pp(2),pp(3)) END DO END DO END DO ELSE IF (avgMode == 99) THEN ! Does nothing END IF IF (avgMode == 1) THEN sumChg = sumChg/27. ELSE IF (avgMode == 2) THEN sumChg = sumChg + 4/rmin weight = weight + 4/rmin sumChg = sumChg / weight ELSE IF (avgMode == 3) THEN sumChg = sumChg/126. END IF IF (counter == 4) THEN WRITE(56,'(A)',advance='no') ' ' WRITE(56,'(ES18.11E2)') sumChg counter = 0 ELSE WRITE(56,'(A)',advance='no') ' ' WRITE(56,'(ES18.11E2)',advance='no') sumChg counter = counter + 1 END IF END DO END DO END DO CLOSE(56) END SUBROUTINE SmoothenCHGCAR ! This subroutine is used when NR trajectories fail to converge. ! It calculates the modulus of the charge density gradient ! And calculate the gradient of this modulus ! And descend the gradient of the modulus. ! It takes in only the starting point index, ! and returns the converged point in lattice coordiantes. ! USED IN THIS MODULE SUBROUTINE GradientDescend(bdr, chg, opts, rn, iniI,isUnique,stepMax) INTEGER,DIMENSION(8,3) :: nnInd INTEGER,DIMENSION(3) :: iniI, tempint REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: tempr REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3):: distance REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: gMCDG, oldgMCDG ! gradient of modulus of charge density gradient REAL(q2),DIMENSION(3) :: maxstepsize REAL(q2) :: maxstepsize_mag !magMode uses the overall magnitude of the gradient vector for criteria. When off, it checks separately along each axis. LOGICAL :: magMode TYPE(charge_obj) :: chg TYPE(options_obj) :: opts TYPE(bader_obj) :: bdr LOGICAL :: isUnique INTEGER ::j, stepcount, loopcount, stepMax REAL(q2), DIMENSION(3)::rn REAL(q2), DIMENSION(8,3) :: nngrad magMode = opts%GD_magMode !maximum step size maxstepsize =(/0.5,0.5,0.5/) maxstepsize_mag = 0.5 gMCDG = CDGMCDG(iniI,chg) rn(1) = REAL(iniI(1),q2) rn(2) = REAL(iniI(2),q2) rn(3) = REAL(iniI(3),q2) oldgMCDG(1) = 0 oldgMCDG(2) = 0 oldgMCDG(3) = 0 stepcount=0 loopcount=0 !The main gradient descent iteration loop DO WHILE (loopcount