.. _tutorial_parrep: =================================== Running a Parallel Replica Job =================================== A sample parallel replica simulation can be found in the directory: ``examples/parallel-replica/``. Two input files ``config.ini`` and ``pos.con`` are required for EON simlution. The example system is the diffusion of an Al adatom on the Al(100) surface. A snapshot of the system is given below: .. image:: fig/aladatom1.png :align: center The ``config.ini`` file will run a parallel replica job with 2 replicas on one local core. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/parallel-replica/.config.ini.tur Now we can run the trajectory by executing the command ``../../bin/eon``:: $ ../../bin/eon simulation time is 0.000000e+00 state list path does not exist, creating .//states/ registering results 0 (result) searches processed time in current state is 0.000000e+00 0 searches in the queue making 2 searches job finished in .//jobs/scratch/0_0 job finished in .//jobs/scratch/0_1 2 searches created Then use "../../bin/eon -n" to register the result:: $ ../../bin/eon -n simulation time is 0.000000e+00 registering results found transition with time 8.200e-12 2 (result) searches processed Average Speedup is 1.000000 time in current state is 0.000000e+00 currently in state 1 0 searches in the queue making 0 searches Information from the trajectoy is written in the ``dynamics.txt`` file:: step-number reactant-id process-id product-id step-time total-time barrier rate --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 1 8.200000e-12 8.200000e-12 0.000000 0.000000e+00 The first column contains the number of the trajectories which find a transition label the successful searches, in this case all the three searches are successful. The second and fouth column label the reactant and product; Column 5 and Column 6 are the transition time for each success searches and the accumulated simulation time. Detailed information of the simulation is stored in the folder ``states``. where the geometric and energy of the visited states are stored in the sub-folder labeled as state id. You can find the geometric of the prodcut in ``states/1/reactant.con/``, a snapshot is shown below: .. image:: fig/aladatom2.png :align: center Compared to the reactant geometric, we can tell that the transition we found follows the exchange mechanism. Parallel Replica with Hyperdynamics -------------------------------------- You can turn on the hyperdynamics method by adding the following section to your ``config.ini`` file:: [Hyperdynamics] bias_potential=bond_boost ; bond_boost bias potential bb_boost_atomlist=20,26,50,56,150 ; atoms that are boosted in the bias potential bb_rcut=3.0 ; boost radius bb_rmd_time=100.0 ; MD time to obtain the equilibrium configuration bb_dvmax=0.4 ; magnitude of the bond-boost bias potential bb_stretch_threshold=0.2 ; defines the bond-boost dividing surface bb_ds_curvature=0.95 ; curvature near the bond-boost dividing surface, it should be <= 1; a value of 0.9-0.98 is recommended All other settings and output infomation are as in a regular parallel replica dynamics simulation.