.. _mpi_potential: ============= MPI Potential ============= VASP ==== If you have access to the modified VASP source code that is compatible with EON, you can compile a version of VASP that will work with EON. This can be accomplished by compiling with ``make MPMD=1``. It is necessary to set the environment variable ``EON_NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS`` to be the number of clients in the MPI job. If the client is being run directly, instead of being run with the server, such as with the MPI communicator, then the environment variable ``EON_CLIENT_STANDALONE`` must be set to 1. Each group of VASP ranks will write its output to a directory named ``vasp###`` where the number that follows is a zero-padded number that ranges from zero to ``EON_NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS``. There is a script in the tools directory named ``mkvasp.py`` that takes the number of clients and a path and then creates these directories in that path. An INCAR file should be prepared that has the following lines in addition to any other settings you wish to specify:: IBRION=3 POTIM=0 LMPMD=.TRUE. NSW=99999999 EDIFF=1E-7 EDIFFG=-1e-6 LWAVE=.FALSE. LCHARG=.FALSE. Example ------- Here is an example of a script that will run 8 VASP ranks and 1 client rank:: #!/bin/sh mkdir vasp000 export EON_CLIENT_STANDALONE=1 export EON_NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS=1 mpirun -n 48 vasp_mpmd : -n 1 client_mpi