.. _debug: ===== Debug ===== [Debug] Options =============== **save_stdout**: Save the standard output from the client to a file named stdout_0.dat default: ``False`` **interactive_shell**: default: ``True`` **result_files_path**: Where to store all result files. Defaults to 'debug_results'. default: ``./debug_results/`` **use_mean_time**: Select transition times from the mean of the exponential distribution of escape times. default: ``False`` **register_extra_results**: Register processes found for a state after leaving that state. default: ``False`` **target_trajectory**: Follow the state-to-state trajectory of another akmc simulation. default: ``False`` **keep_bad_saddles**: Keep data about bad saddles. If true, the result files for failed saddle searches are kept in the badprocdata directory within the state directory for that search. default: ``False`` **keep_all_result_files**: Stores all result files in main_directory/results default: ``False`` **write_movies**: Output a movie of the calculation default: ``False`` **write_movies_interval**: Write a movie frame every write_movie_intervals steps. default: ``1``